Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Just out of curiosity and to know more of the needs of other users, why the GPS plug-in was not suited? It does everything this plug-in does and more, all without the need to remember additional, structured chat commands...

    im also interested in knowing why this was needed over the gps plugin oO

    read my other comments oO

    The new update i have been working on lets you use more than one word to do the same thing example (/selectarea) can also be just (/select) i intend to do this for everything also adding German language but i need help with translating that, feel free to help me ;);)

    Bump to let users know that the plugin now has a progress bar see image in the main post to view what it looks like, also i have redone the script to work on a timer this means less processing for the server,

    still things i need to do are

    add a icon next to the bar
    make an clickable gdi interface where you can add and edit your groups
    make an interface for users to be able to see all groups and there times
    also remove the bar off the screen for admins no point they don't level up and the bar does not work for them anyway
    add a on/off option for all users who may want to turn the bar off

    I noticed the same things Furbal has mentioned. At first I was confused when the selection did not vanish after inputting a command. Plus I've been working on clearing out an area for a large build, and the /fill with 0 works, but it also removes parts of the landscape when I go to remove trees and other vegetation. The old /we clear veg was a great thing to have. I understand that you probably are going to re-add those features, but I just wanted to point them out. Otherwise, I love the work you do. :thumbup:

    I noticed the same things Furbal has mentioned. At first I was confused when the selection did not vanish after inputting a command. Plus I've been working on clearing out an area for a large build, and the /fill with 0 works, but it also removes parts of the landscape when I go to remove trees and other vegetation. The old /we clear veg was a great thing to have. I understand that you probably are going to re-add those features, but I just wanted to point them out. Otherwise, I love the work you do. :thumbup:

    yeah i did think about the (with) and could remove that in the next update, with the (fill with 0) you are filling the Terrain area with air oO not really good if your just removing blocks use ATM /place block 0, ATM the remove veg con and objects are not working in the API i have done the code for this but its waiting for red to fix the API he knows about this problem oO just hung in there its getting done lol

    Is it possible to move plants at my feet, i. e. flying under the surface and set plants to receive different heights of trees?
    This has previously worked very well. And its certainly a bit tricky to set 100 plants in an area with
    uneven ground, so sometimes you'll gain flying plants. ^^

    The script has been updated, the plants now wont fly in the air but this needs to have more work to make it even better, waiting for the next API update oO
    errors should stop now, also added warnings when you enter the wrong code now it gives you a hint what you need to enter

    Bump to let users know the script has been updated

    Some Bugs are fixed that caused errors
    added error feedback on wrong commands
    now has auto find ground, this means you can be flying and all plants will be planted on the ground no more flying plants oO


    Some faults with the planter plug-in. Im using old planting script, too.
    And I'm not able to use any planting script or plug-in anymore, except of game tool and script from TutMeistensNix.

    Strange i in fact have a more improved plant plugin waiting to be uploaded it will plant on uneven grounds you also can be in the air and the plants will find the ground and lay, only problem is its not working 100% how i would like and talking to red it sounds like i have a option and that is to wait for the next update or adjust the code to work with my problem, but then when the new update comes redo the adjustment to match the new update oO lol for line 80 i will solve this today.

    Hm, Then I need to do some more testing with that.
    No, I did that on the router the port forwarding.
    I'd have to look up some info on my modem to see if it has router functionality built in, but even if it has I'm pretty sure it's not enabled now.
    I'll do some more testing somewhere this week probably.

    rcon, is that short for "remote console"? And used for remote management? That's disabled in the server properties. And I'm not really planning on using that. (The server is running on an old laptop which I can manage directly)

    Yes i guess red51 named it rcon short for "remote console", if your modem has WiFi or more than one lan port it will have also a router included, in most cases now days 99.9% of modems have a built in router oO it is possible to pass all incoming packets to a local ip NAT / DMZ Host, not recommended unless you know what your doing in most case's you should unblock your ports in the modems software and use your other routers local ip once you have done this you can then go into your other routers software and do the same but for the local ip of the laptop, all ips should be set to static, so in a power cut your settings stay the same, for your wan ip you shouldn't need to worry if its static or not just keep server_ip= <----- blank so even if your wan ip changes the hive wont worry and it will just find your new ip and list it, your uses can connect with your server name in the list or use your link as the server ip,

    I set that variable, but still nothing.

    However, when I hooked my server up straight to the modem (so no router inbetween) it did indeed show up in the list.
    So I guess running from behind a router is just not supported?

    Well, at least I figured out how to make it show up there even though I would prefer to have it behind my router. :)

    Strange i have my server behind a load balancing router also your modem is a router and modem in one, with your modem you unblocked all ports for the server did you also do this with your router ? another thing is you said you unblocked ports 4254 to 4259 if you want to use the rcon tool your need to also unblock 4253


    ive explained above that if you connect to your sever from the same ip you may not see your server in the list, but other players do, if your connecting from another ip address outside of your own and don't see your server in the list try to refresh the list if still no luck, then report that to red51 by making a new post, for the info i provided, it was just letting you know the simple and best way to connect to your own server as this way will have the best ping as your connection dose not need a vpn to connect to your own network. maybe you know this IDK but i provided this info anyway.

    if your inside your own network lan then to connect to your own server you can type the servers lan ip address along with the port into the box that says connect to ip oO the lan address would look something like this

    Neither the win_startscript.bat or the, which I assume to be the supported way to start the server under those OSes, have the so handy start, attach, restart, stop sub-command that the Linux script has.

    Is this intentional or forced by the limitations of those OSes?

    (I tried hard, but I cannot resist: Linux wins again!)

    my servers running on windows 10 and i have scripted my own restart script, it will restart the server if the server crash's or if someone use's rcon to shut it down oO i seem to have no problem so windows wins too lol

    My server is running perfectly but I was wondering how I can get it in the server list in the game.
    Is there a form I need to submit my ip/domain to?

    the server will be auto added you wont need to do a thing. but note if your using the same internet connection as your server is on then you often dont see your own server in the list, but other players outside will see it fine.

    did you try and click the x at the top of the CMD box oO if that does not work and your on windows 7 8 or 10 you could press, alt ctrl delete all at the same time and kill the java app right click and end task

    The rcon tool also has a shutdown button, very handy for admins download link here

    unzip this also you need to give this a password in your file


    Bump to let everyone know that i have updated this plugin

    /levelhelp is now /grouphelp
    /listgroup is now /listgroups

    The problem with the mysql connections have been fixed so this script now works on any server

    also fixed some miner bugs

    goto the main post to download the new updated plugin and read any notes

    Very cool but i think the rising world team are also building a new protection script oO well thats what red51 told me some months ago, i guess if they do make one it would not harm anyone to have two :D