Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    if you use !@#%$ or anything other than numbers and letters in the name of the protected areas the areas wont load on the next reboot oO you could edit the database and look to see if such things are in the name, then remove it and restart, yes raking = digging anything todo with changing the land = digging

    I want members of my server to be unable to make changes in unclaimed areas. So yes, a server-wide restriction but I was hoping to simply set a rule but if not then I'll make an insanely large box!

    100,000 in each direction from the 0,0 and that should be enough :)
    The max build height is 250, right?

    you could wright a simple script to do this you use the onplayer events

    function onPlayerBlockPlace(event)
    addEvent("PlayerBlockPlace", onPlayerBlockPlace);

    any event thats has setCancel(true); will stop the user from been able to do that event you could make it so only a seleted group has this rual like say the default group you could use my levels plugin to move them from the default group to a higher level where then they are able to start laying blocks or what ever the events you want them to have.

    i do mine like shownametag: false / shownametag: true i have not tested info_shownametag

    Maybe it works that way too but i know my way works lol

    By the way don't be embarrassed to ask for such things, we all need help when we don't know stuff, that's just part of life

    ATM the Area Protection does not work along side the built-in permissions system they are too things apart oO

    you need to think of the Area Protection as a land and object protector, where the permissions system is a user limiter it can stop users from doing stuff anywhere in the game and its more to do with tools and crafting.

    i must also point out that the hive can be used to detect when someone joins your server it would be very simple to make a online tool (not a plugin) but a tool that each server owner could join and use, this tool could be used to send out mail to server owners when someone connects and disconnects with time, date, username, info.

    come to think about it this could be turned into a phone app oO

    i have some ideas on how this could be done but as Miwarre pointed out a lot of things can go wrong and setting this up would in most cases need the server owner to know lots about the process needed to get the plugin working, this would end up been very time consuming for the poor guy who makes the plugin, so unless we can make it seamless its not likely to happen,

    That type of log does not help us work out whats going on, but i suspect its to do with your server /provider not the game server files them self's , i would start by contacting the server owner, if you have no luck i would move your server to another provider

    This has now bothered me twice with how the world saves to Steam's cloud saving, yet the posters fail to carry with it in the single player worlds. Thanks to both my Patriot SSD failing on me twice I had to experience the posters becoming invisible that you had to find them, guess where they were, and break them. I would love to see them fixed in that they either: A) Have the images save into the world itself that they would carry with the save, or B) Have a slightly greyed out, striked out, N/A notice, or something along those lines to make me aware there's a poster there.

    I know where most of my posters are, yet there'll be those few odd ones hiding away. I guess servers have it easier because they have it saved to a folder, yet the single player ones need to have the images saved into the world file, or something like that.ArcticuKitsu wrote:

    your images are saved in most cases C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\Images
    even in single player oO the images will be in the folder of your single player game name, you could setup a auto back up of this folder with the cloud so if your drive crash's you have a backup, by the way, i have been using samsung ssd 3d nand drives and never had any problems with them :-D

    I have a problem with the spawn commands. Unless i'm doing something wrong, the spawn commands for Ores aren't working. I've tried all of the spawn commands for Iron and the others (101 through 107), and all of them just give me stone. Is the command for them not implemented at the moment? Have they been changed to a different number? Or is there just something wrong with my game? I have to resort to spawning ingots.

    to spawn ores you need to use the command console not chat and the ids you use are
    air = 0,
    dirt = 1,
    grass = 2,
    stone = 3,
    gravel = 4,
    rock = 5,
    farmland = 6,
    mud = 7,
    snow = 8,
    sand = 9,
    desertdirt = 10,
    desertstone = 11,
    clay = 12,
    dungeonwall = 13,
    dungeonfloor = 14,
    bonewall = 15,
    = hell least 16,
    iron = -101,
    copper = -102,
    aluminium = -103,
    silver = -104,
    gold = -105,
    tungsten = -106,
    cobalt = -107,
    mithril = -108,
    water = 100,
    saltwater = 101

    (item ore 64 1) = dirt
    (item ore 64 -101) = iron note: it needs to be -101 not just 101 or you will just get stone oO
    (item ore 64 -105) = gold

    the 64 is for the amount

    Too many posters can causes problems with the server start-up, because every image must be loaded, maybe the same
    for data saves. We need a more accurate information from @red51. In the past we had over 3000 pictures on the server, and
    if that doesn't really matter, why there is then an adjustable limit?

    The limits are more to do with storage space, if you say have 100 users on your server all uploading 10 images each thats 1000 images, not that much right but if your server had 1000 users and you set your image max to 100 images each then thats 100,000 images oO oh no. so the limit is in place for a server owner to adjust, for in game the images should have little impact on performance but this of cause depends on the spec of the users computer and connection speeds, because all images that a user sees in game are uploaded to his or her own computer it shouldn't cause a problem unless you have of cause 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of images, i guess red does not comment much on this because its unknown and every server and computer is driffent so they all will have driffent outcomes oO.

    Is there actually a difference between your lua script and the plugin? I have both installed and some trees are
    in the air.

    they use the same command so if you have both install both will run oO you need to uninstall the lua one. The lua one will cause floating trees the new one always plants in the ground no matter what


    to rename areas would not be that hard to code oO ATM there are new protection plugins been made, but this takes some time because the new API does not support all the things we had with lua yet oO once the new API does i think you will get your wish. 8o8o

    when i go out sometimes i do this and i have no problem connecting with my hotspot i also have both steam and non steam copys of RW and both work, so if you cannot connect with your steam copy there will be a high chance your non steam copy wont connect too oO maybe the mob network is poor or over used in your area, this could cause dropouts and disconnections, does your provider own the tower or do they piggy back off another provider, this too can cause problems as if they piggy back you connection is less prioritized and less stable.

    send hive ping message...
    [UPTIME: 67s] Disconnected from: /
    HIVE ConnectionError
    HIVE Disconnect

    it looked to have connected then lost connection most likey due to what ive said above.

    dear @yahgiggle
    Excuse me for the late reply !!! Your idea I found great and I have already been able to take over

    thats cool now i can give you another idea oO lol

    this is my old lua script for charging users to take stuff from chests all chests can be owned by the player who place's them down , this means you can set the chests as trade chests heres my old code below to make the user the owner of the chest

    i hope this helps in some way or at lest gives you some ideas ^^