Awesome stuff RED51
Posts by yahgiggle
Just to make sure I am doing this right.
It seems the way I read it, that if I make someone an Admin for their area they can then added people to any area in the game? "It says Admin = the Admin of all areas" and then "Admin's can add all groups to any area". I wondering if this is different than "ADMINS' You appoint to help run the game or is this just Admin for their area.
no thats not right you need to make them a server admin to do that, as a server admin you should only ever add anyone to a area as a owner, then let that owner make new areas inside his/her area, the script auto adds the owner to any new area he makes he can then add his friends to that area or even add a trusted friend to a new area inside his area as a owner who can then make more areas also on there own area oO lol
I finally got my server up and running but once in my friend cant see me but I can see him. Any help?
your need to report that big in a new post but i have seen it before and restarting the server fixed it.
all? formerly only used those due..4254 4259
include in all firewall?
tcp-- udp ---in --- out local and remote?
modem is ok?when you have your modem line set to ALL this means all ports from low number to high number are unblocked you have set yours to 4254 to 4254 you only need to do one line with 4254 - 4259
Hello, I still have problems to play with friends in lan red, attach screen modem, and firewall, I hope to do well
your ports should be 4253 to 4259 <---- you should be able to setup just one line to do all 7 ports needed if not your missing the ones between oO
red may of mistakenly locked the new update thread, wanted to see if he is going to add API Commands for the weaher, "CURRENT STATE", make it rain, etc.
i did setweather rain <------ seems to work but doing setweather snow, or setweather thunder, did not work
This raises further questions 0_o
lol one would start to wonder indeed oO get your head out of the gutter haha
As a jest what if @red51 was a girl all this time and we kept calling her a he? Hmm..
Well we never know till someone asks him/her skirt, kilt or shorts?
lol, ttyl old friend let's play some Fallout 4 till tomorrow
Do not worry red51 is a guy lol I can confirm this. Lol
the icon on the top right in the main menu is green so I suppose I am connected to the HIVE server.
When I try to join a server it just gets stuck at "connecting...." never goes to even write 0% and I tried connecting to servers with various pings ranging from 60 to 250.
pinging some servers works without any issue but for others I get timeout errors. In game I cannot connect to any of them.
what sort of internet connection are you using in Greece, is it Cell Phone by any Chance ? also whats your ping and speed
Whenever I start up Rising World I receive this message
Error while loadingthe game
com.jme3.renderer.RendererException:compile error in:ShaderSource[name=Shaders/Vegetation/VegetationShader.frag, defines,type=Fragment, language=GLSL100]
WARNING: 0:14:extension 'GL_EXT_gpu_shader4' is not supported
WARNING: 0:15:extension 'GL_EXT_texture_array' is not supported
ERROR: 0:145:'texture2DArray' : no matching overloaded function found - implicitconversion not allowed
ERROR: 0:145:'assign' : cannot convert from 'const float' to '4-component vectorof float'
ERROR: 0:150:'texture2DArray' : no matching overloaded function found - implicitconversion not allowed
ERROR: 0:150:'assign' : cannot convert from 'const float' to '4-component vectorof float'
ERROR: 0:154:'texture2DArray' : no matching overloaded function found - implicitconversion not allowed
ERROR: 0:154:'assign' : cannot convert from 'const float' to '4-component vectorof float'
ERROR: 0:158:'texture2DArray' : no matching overloaded function found - implicitconversion not allowed
ERROR: 0:158:'assign' : cannot convert from 'const float' to '4-component vectorof float'
ERROR: 0:168:'texture2DArray' : no matching overloaded function found - implicitconversion not allowed
ERROR: 0:168: '=' : cannot convert from 'const float' to '4-component vector of float'atcom.jme3.renderer.opengl.GLRenderer.updateShaderSourceData(
atcom.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop( Source)
Any help would be appreciated.
Happy Holidays!Update______________________________________
After doing some searching it seems that the problem is that my drivers are outdated. Though the drivers that I am currently using are "
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 20120720000000.000000-000", which apparently have been ever only been updated once.if you can, i would suggest you should update your video card driver by going to the website of the video card maker, most likey , or if updating your drivers don't solve your problem then im sorry to say that your card does not support Rising World oO
your driver link for intel from intel is (…-8-1-15-33-?product=81499 )
look in your laptop spec's to see if your running 2x video cards lots of laptops have 2 video cards now days
if it does have 2 then most likely the other non intel video card will run Rising World, but you will need to goto one of the links above to also download the AMD Radeon or Nvidia Gforce driver.if you do have 2 video cards and have updated both drivers for both cards, you will then need to use the software provided by the seconded card to set the game to use that card this is where it gets tricky and you will need to work out how that is done on your own unless you provied me with your video card type and model and what laptop you own.
you could look to see if your virus protection is blocking it
do you have an error report or can you show us the logs,
Are you re starting the server when you restart your PC before you load the game and goto and connect to it oO
Also setup your local ip to always use the same local ip for your computer as this can cause the address to change every time you start your PC
its highly unlikely the server dies because you turn your pc off more like some settings have changed since last time
when running a server its almost always best to have a dedicated computer, one that's on 24/7 days a week with all static ip address's
this way friends can connect anytime and its less likely settings will change. -
No this doesnt work. I close it either way and I can still easily connect to the server.
what sort of setup do you have, is your server with steam or did you download the server files from this website and use them ? also is the server running on your own computer, please give us more info to work with.
Ahh! Yes, that's gotta be it. I did that to myself one time in a local game because I was trying to spawn un-implemented items and ended up locked myself out due to an illegal item in my inventory. I wasnt able to get back into my save until I edited the world database and dropped myself from the Player table.
you dont need to drop the user you can just copy anther users inventory blob into another users to fix it, the only problem is your end up losing what you had and end up with the same items as who ever you copied had, but thats a small price to pay to get back on the server.
the server runs in a CMD box, you can just click the little x up in the right top corner to close it, if for some reason you cant, then push ( Ctrl Alt Delete ) keys all at once and click Task Manager look for the CMD running application right click for options and click ( END TASK ) this will force your server to close
Yes only Effendor.
i suspect that your user info or most likely your inventory blob file in the Effendor database has been corrupted oO you should try and contact the owner and get them to take a look maybe they can fix it for you.
Are you able to join other servers ?
i think adding some kind of auto planter will be soooo helpful in game for planting your crops. you can only plant one seed/seedling at a time and each has a timer so it takes forever to plant a stack of seeds/seedlings,even longer for more than one stack. having some kind of auto planter and maybe harvester, would help so much. you load your seeds/seedlings into the planter and go over were planting and it will auto plant the seeds n such for you. same can be done for harvesting your crops with a harvester. also some kind of wagon were we could place crates would help when harvesting as we could load up the harvested crops in the crates and then take to were we are storing and unload there :} we would benifit greatly from these. thanks
my planting script plants more then one at once, but i guess because you dont need to add seeds its kind of a cheat oO ill add a opion for non admins to be also able to use it as long as they have the saplings or seeds
- Cannot assign requested address: bind
did you unblock your ports ?
can this plugin be configured to only allow certain textures to be placed? i would like to restrict players from placing ores. only gravel, or dirt.
ATM only Admins can use this script but i do plan on adding a group option where you can select what each group can do