Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    This is feasible even down the road when there are maybe 100's of plugins? If I were coding, I would rather just use something that I'd be pretty sure is unique, but that's me.

    maybe if someone else use's the same commands as i do, and you happen to install there plugin, and then get conflicts, you should let that other coder know that they need to change there script commands because those commands had been taken by the block placer plugin first. lol

    I am not so sure: each plug-in listening for player chat commands is notified when a chat command is issued. And each plug-in will (presumably) check if it is a command it is interested in.
    So, each plug-in recognising a "/select" command will do whatever that command means to it.

    yes and is why i said two things will happen, but in the case of /select /selectarea /select area they all do the same thing, they bring up the area selecting tool oO

    Hmmm. So only one of the plugins will respond to the /select command? Which one? What I'm getting at is if someone else does a plugin using the /select command. It seems that coders should pick "non-generic" commands to avoid conflict.

    conflicts are always a real thing that could happen, but saying coders should pick "non-generic" commands to avoid conflict, is not right, you should be saying
    coders should check there commands to avoid conflict, i checked and the commands had not been used so i used them, this was to keep the script as simple to use as possible.

    I'm going to record a video, that way you can point out what I'm doing wrong. :(


    first /selectarea is also part of the protection script so even if you don't have block placer installed you can still select an area
    oO but by how there is no feedback when you enter into the chat /delete my guess is you have not added the block placer plugin to your plugins folder, because even if it did not delete your beams you should have got error something went wrong or all construction removed, messages in chat

    whats your server name i can come and take a look but your also need to add me as a admin for me to test it out

    I still see this as an potential issue. If two plugins/scripts are both using say /selectarea and then only one of them gets a command to use the area selected (like /delete con), the other plugin/script is left hanging waiting for what to do with the selected area. Not sure then what would happen if you do another /selectarea and do like a /createarea, would possibly the AP script use the originally selected area and now the BP plugin is left hanging... etc.
    Seems like it would be very important to use definitively distinct commands. If something like "/bp select, etc." is difficult, would using something like "/bpselect (no space)" be easier?

    plugins don't get left hanging they are much like a book, they read down every page till they hit what they are looking for so in aother words when you type /select the program will search all the scripts till it finds /select and then run that line of code then stop till the next command has been asked say
    /delete con

    Thank you for the update and good to hear we finally have a fully functional worldedit plugin :P A small suggestion, would you consider adding a small prefix to your commands like /bp or /blockplacer just in case commands like /select or /place are used by other plugins scripts? (see text below)

    when making the script i had the idea of adding /bp to every command because the prefix i used may conflict with other plugins later on but then im like well adding /pb to every command is going to cause more problems than it solves, for every extra /pb line i add i would need to code in error reporting oO this makes no sense, i tend to think that i was the first to use the prefix 's so if anyone wrights a new script they need to come up with there own prefix 's that don't conflict with my script.

    /selectarea or /select or /select area <---- are somewhat used by other things but they all do the same thing it would not matter if the code for select read from the protection script was then used to /delete con or what ever, you can even use a blueprint in your hand to select the area and then use the chat to use /delete con

    Thanks for suggesting, but I had done this in previous attempts, I selected the full beam, I even selected an extra block down, up and to the sides.

    ok i tested planks and they worked fine but did not test beams oO lol beams and planks are the same thing both should be deleted with /delete con

    i will look into this but maybe there is a api bug or a bug in my code you could also try /delete abs

    eitherway when the new AP plugin comes out I would think that the creator could write a small extra script to convert the old db file to the new format for the plugin. Shouldn't be that hard to write an extra script that would read the old db file and output it in the new format.

    They both can use the same old DB file so its a matter of just copy your old DB to your new Java protection folder location, thats if the new protection use's the same table names, if new tables are added, that can be done very simple with one simple line of code.

    A different "protection" subject...

    I was told that there is a way to limit the use of blueprints by players to just areas they are "Owner". Is this true? How is this done? Currently it appears that any player can place blueprints anywhere.

    with the old lua, you could do this, but i don't know about the new java yet, but in lua its just a matter of if the user does not own the area and has a blueprint in his selection box then you could cancel the command or even boot/teleport the user out of the area

    ATM the new API does not have the code to make this work, we are still waiting for API updates oO

    Yes the main reason why there has been a stop on the coding of new stuff in the new API is that the API is currently missing some parts necessary for us to finish stuff, once we have those parts added, we can finish what we started oO including a new area protection

    exactly our thought, the thing is we had a chest like that in a server but noone remembers how it was done and everyone could take out of it....maybe we just somehow bugged the script or something XD

    ok your be happy to know i have started this new plugin, but have hit a road block oO the new API is missing something i need for this to work, lua has it but i don't want to do this code in lua as lua will be removed soon and replaced by java, ive messaged red51 letting him know what i need so now its going to be a waiting game oO

    Hello all Iv started to get this error with the portals script " reset" I'm sure this as just started to happen with the new build of rising World, but the strange thing is if I go into a single player world everything is fine but if I exit the game after the java error my actual computer connection is off for about 15-30 minutes???.
    Ive tried running without my firewall/antivirus on to make sure this is not causing the problem but still getting the same java error.

    the old lua api is no longer supported, i think there is a new portal script in the new API area maybe have a look there and install that one, your going to have to at some point anyway as lua is getting fully removed

    @yahgiggle no no what @Jon_miner said is exactly what we want to do and were wondering how to do it. To explain it a bit more:

    1) we have set up a world permission group called "visitor" for new players
    2) we want all visitors to be able to take things out of a chest which is inside a protected area (without us having to add them to it as they come online)
    3) we don't want visitors to be able to destroy the chests or otherwise damage the area

    This had been done in another server but noone remembers how it was done.

    ok i in fact have a the code to do this ill make it better and post it soon for the new API ill make it my mission for tonight

    so lets get this right

    here is what i have

    1 Any Chest placed becomes owned by a user and no matter where in the world they place it no one else but Admins can smach it but others can take things and put things back into it

    now for added ideas

    2 have the owner be able to lock the chest with a pin code
    3 have the owner be able to pass owner rights of a chest to other non admin users
    4 have some items in the chest locked and others unlocked (the new api might not do this yet)
    5 have the chest turn into a type of swap chest, like you can only take planks if you have gold on you as a payment (this also may not work with the new API yet)

    if you have other ideas post them down below

    How do I move my single player World over to the server with the same spawn point?

    you should be able to just download the server files, setup the server and add the name of your single world to the file then copy your world file to the server Worlds folder and run the server.

    however i have never done this so don't know if it works, i am just guessing and red51 would need to let us know if this works or not, give it a go anyway and give some feedback if it does work.

    This does not help me with what I wish to do. The "Shopper" group is what I want to do for permissions. The part I am not sure how to do is assign "all users" to that group "setplayergroup <player> <group>" including any new visitors to the area. Maybe this is not really possible, but I thought there was a way to have a "community chest" in an otherwise protected area.

    Has anyone done this?

    i think and its common is that your mixing up world permissions with the protection permissions to give a player a permission in a area all you need to do is make that area then add the user to that area with some sort of permission group setup, the script has some predefined ones like Shopper or Owner or Builder, if these don't match what your after then just make your own permission text file in the script and then add them to what ever the new name of your added file is.