if they cant work out how to push `~ \ or | then type setgametype 1 what makes you think they can work out how to type a command into chat lol don't wast your talent and time on this that's my opinion anyway.
Posts by yahgiggle
for now server owners have the option to turn off the copy part of the blue prints, red will later on make it so so admins on servers can have more control over who can use them and have it that you can indeed only copy buildings in your own protected area or in unprotected areas.
i have not meet anyone yet that cant open the command center so i dont see the point in a script like this even if it can be done ;-D
on windows you use the ~ or ` key next to the one on Mac you use the \ or | key that will open the command center where they can enter setgametype 1 some players even report to me that there computers dont have F keys haha most of them are Mac users oO lol if you think you dont have f keys well thats Wrong you do everyone has them its just that some computers =Macs and some laptops!!! you need to hold down Fn key when you hit them oO yep that simple.
The problem i see with this toll is there will always be more people who want to copy other peoples work that's just part of life!! but that's not respecting the users who built the building or what ever it is been copied, and don't want it copied for the dev,s providing a copy tool then to say thats why they made it not true at all, that would be like saying they provide blank dvds and software to copy moves so that means its ok to copy movies i don't own thats just ludicrous the tool is provided to copy your own work or other work if the user who makes that other work gives you permission to do so, end of story.
Yes I think so but also you could do this with sqlite
yeah i was stumped to on this problem lol good to know its now been fixed and we can use this for other users who may have the same problem ;-D
hes got OS: Windows 8.1 (x64) this is strange i would think it could be driver problems oO his settings are way to low and specs are fine
ok i have not tested this but this should be ok yes
/addplanter (username)
/removeplanter (username)
/planterlistonly admins can add and remove planters adminds have to add there own username also to be able to plant
Codedatabase:queryupdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `planter` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, `player` VARCHAR, `by` VARCHAR)");local query = "INSERT INTO planter (player, by) VALUES ('" .. cmd[2] .. "','" .. event.player:getName() .. "');"event.player:sendTextMessage("User " .. cmd[2] .. " has been successfully removed from the planter list")event.player:sendTextMessage("/planting <number of plants 1-1000 or more> <size of radius 0-1000 or more> <type of plant start 1-41> <type of plant end 1-41>");event.player:sendTextMessage("/plantline <number of plants 1-1000 or more> <width or length x> <width or length z> <type of plant start 1-41> <type of plant end 1-41>");-- if not event.player:isAdmin() then return event.player:sendTextMessage("[#FF0000]Sorry You are not Admin!!!") end -
it is possible to make database to hold names of players and then use if event.player = usernamebank else you are not aloud to plant
players could be added like /addplanter yahgiggle
this part could be for admins only admins would need to add them selfs to be able to plant toothis would work much like the ban script but you use the names in the database to unban players from the plant script
Hmm time to change our EULA so we cannot be held responsible for thatNot a bad idea you can not be held responsible for ending the world in such a crazy way lol
yep this says it all
He Leute,
ich habe ein Problem mit dem Aluminium, jedes mal wenn ich in eine Höhle komme und nach Aluminium frage, lachen die Höhlen mich aus
Ergo, ich finde kein Aluminium. Ist das so Rar, dass es noch nicht implementiert wurde, oder suche ich evtl falsch?Danke für eure Hilfe
Aluminium ist viel schwieriger zu finden, ja , aber nicht impossable die Sache ist, es sieht aus wie Stein , so dass Sie gehen Sie nach rechts an ihm vorbei OO -Spieler haben mehr Glück mit L-Taste das Licht auf Sie sollten auch versuchen, Ihre Bildschirmfarben anpassen , die helfen können
Sorry my German is as good as google translator lol
think of the paradoxes playing a game within a game within a gameX10 within rising world. What happens when u die in one of the inner games? do u die in rising world? Do u get stuck in the alternate worlds or do u die in real life from trying to contemplate such a complex set of worlds?
yeah your right what will happen if in game 5 you die but your in reality game 10 oO hell this could end the world as we know it players will turn into zombies and no real work will get done,
Games in side games lol don't do too meany games inside games or i wont know where i am maybe i am in a big game now who knows right.
if guys plant in your area then you can use /we clear veg this wont remove any building and things are ok also in my plant script i make it so only admins can use this is why i did this to stop any player using it to mess things up
3D text and world editing?? lol whoever wants it will implement it. There are a few features that are far more important just now. I'd need to have some use case of 3d text usage... right now, the only use I can think of is some sort of showing area names (i.e. area protection), or if anyone wants to create some type of mini-game of some sort...
yeah your right maybe it should go into the admin tools, admins can use it for banners that show rules ect ect but yeah i hate the look of it so don't use it
nice work LordFoobar now we need 3d text added i wont use this but i feel some players will want it