Posts by yahgiggle

    i am really trying hard to not say to much oO this is pissing me off!!! red and his small team are awesome and they help users far more than they should i mean how meany times have you seen other dev's goto this extreme to help the users??? i think all you guys bitching should take a good look at your selfs yeah you paid 10 or 15 dollars for a unfinished game, but what sort of help are you doing by bitching about what you don't yet have???

    PS yahgiggle you seem to be against this the most, my question to you is did you ask cryrus permission before you hunged her off a wrecking ball. Also i do not think you are following Reds vision for the BP...

    your mistaken something rydog did for something i did, witch i did not do oO and no im not more against it than some of the other players also to me this is more about respecting the others in the game, but with that comment you just made it seems you have no respect for other players??

    Work before before March 1, 1989 needed writen protection after that the law changed to now make all work protected this type of work would full under pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works and thats protected
    you need to do some research as soon as you make something you own the right to it and it is copyright protected under the new copyright laws goto this site and read up

    I am having a bit of a questionable problem with Protection. After about 10 minutes after placing a block, no one not even the property owner can remove that block. Admin,Owner and Guest groups all have the same problem. Thanks for any help.

    i take it thats this is on (The Land of Confusion) server well maybe the name has caused this problem lol ill come on and see

    Sony S Series laptop, Model # VPCSE2EFX.

    heres the driver for your video card…upd_id=7727&os_group_id=6

    it seems this laptop has AMD Radeon HD 6470M / 6630M and Intel HD Graphics 3000 not AMD Radeon 6600M and 6700M Series maybe you have the wrong driver installed

    heres the link to sonys website that shows you how to switch if this does not help then we are very sorry we cant help anymore than this…/a_id/34445/kw/Switchable Graphics/p/48903,49902,71733,71761/c/65,66/related/1

    no you are Wrong look at it this way does a painting have this copyright protection ? in a way it does it's called the copyright law and that law protects anything anyone makes, you treat games as if they have no law but sorry they have the same laws as everything else
    with something like a book when it gets uploaded to the web because its now not a hard copy does the copyright law now exclude it no it does not does it ? you say as long as you put there name on it that's ok, but you are wrong and right but what your not getting is thats if you use a small part of the whole thing you can do this as long as you put there name on it in a book this maybe one line, but you are not aloud to copy the whole thing then put there name on it and say look its ok now because i put there name on it lol that's just dumb and wont hold up in court

    also i must point out people may think by making copy's of other peoples buildings is fine but that's not respecting the people that don't think its fine its like saying stuff you i think its ok because its a game so i will copy what ever i like, This attitude is of pore taste and has no respect for other players

    Ok. So I right clicked the desktop, and no option like that popped up. The only option similar was for Catalyst. Tried the bios. No graphics options there.

    On a side note, when I right click and hover over the Graphics Options(the one with the drop down list), it has 3 graphics slots. The first 2 are for the same Intel graphics. The third is blank. Don't know if that has anything to do with it. It almost seems like my computer detects the Radeon as existing, but nothing more than that.

    I have 2 graphics cards. They exist. But my computer is acting like it can't switch at all. I don't remember it acting like this when I first got it.

    are you on a desktop or laptop ? m in cpu stands for mobile must be laptop witch model is it ?

    just making a copy of something without asking the owner is against the law, in games people feel the law does not count but they are wrong if found that someone copied your work digital or not you can in fact have them for copyright infringement

    I may be having an issue with CCC. I'm missing many of the tabs, including the Gaming and/or Power tab. I've updated it and nothing has helped so far. I can't seem to find anything online either. Any ideas?

    if you right click anywhere on your screen not on anything open by the way, you will get options and at the top you should see (Configure Switchable Graphics ) witch will install there when you install amd drives click that and you can set your laptop to use the radeon for java and risingworld

    In my opinion you can't compare that with a donation ^^ (At least not with donating to a cancer study 8| )
    I mean he paid money hopeing to get a good game. And the alpha status states that there will be at least a few updates. But of course you are right with what has been said before about games in alpha status and I also think that red is doing the best he can.

    hows it any different when people donate to cancer they expect it to be spent on some research even when that research may lead no where Alpha games are much the same they are just concepts that your donation helps fund till they become at a stage they can be released as beta that's much like research the only difference is most people think developers are making a killing so expect much more back in return for there donation or they want there donation back, but the sad true fact is most developers work long into the night everyday with very little sleep and don't earn enough to even pay all the bills then there's the stress of users like this ass who feel the need to demand far more for his 15 dollar donation then anyone could produce, he does he not know for games like GTA theres a team of 100s of people and sill it takes them 2 or more years to build. sorry this topic gets me mad lol but i just cant stand it and i feel for red and his team.

    Well I didn't find a name when I looked for it, if this is the case I apologize.

    And no I was not aware of it being one person (wtf?!) but I don't care, people have paid for this and it should be professional around here.

    your a complete nob yes you paid some money but the game states its in alpha oO all alpha games are in progress or may even be scraped that's a risk you take when buying alpha in fact you are not really buying a game you are donating money to the developers and in return they give you a copy at each stage of progress
    the money is to help pay for this progress but trust me that money goes fast, so no not everyone thinks like you, some of us know what the true meaning of alpha is. also some of us are more than happy with the progress of the game, if you ask me asking for your donation back is kind of saying what type of person you are i mean would you ask for a donation back that funded the research of cancer ?

    Also look closer at the main page of the site Danny Imlau is on there ? this makes me think your just trolling

    it works thx and sorry yahgiggle. in game restart the game back to menu or closed compled helped nothing, after pc and steam restart and joining my test area again ; big surprise there are over 50 k trees, and mutch of lag. i think there is something wrong with my pc, or steam lags or other bugs i dont know. if i plant somethink i have to restart the game complete to see anything what i plant now and not more than 20 plants only max

    Low spec computers will do this oO yes you will need to plant less trees at one time 50k trees lol thats crazy to much

    As Deirdre said the file is not empty its just very very small i have downloaded this two test for you and its 100% fine and working everyone is helping you so please listen and try even if you think theres no files there is

    in meiner anzeige im rar fenster ist die lua datei anscheinend leer nach dem download da habe ich dann stehen die zweite datei nach definition : randomplant.lua 3.688 0 lua-datei 10.08.2015 38b2e2b7
    weiss da nich so gut bescheid aber das scheint ne leere datei zu sein die 3.6 steht für grösse und die 0 steht unter gepackt
    bei den anderen dateien ist das feld unter gepackt mit menge xy immer versehen

    use this link download my script, unzip with zip7 its free search zip7 on google then instill use to unzip script copy folder to scripts folder in your game folder if no script folder just make folder name it scripts and restart game…ent/3065-random-plant-7z/

    in single player you are admin so it will work if you have a problem then 1 you dont not unzip the file and put it in the right folder or too you enter wrong commands there is no space after / it is /planting 10 1 1 1 each number has a space also did you restart your game fully when you copyied the files to the script folder

    Ich bin zufällig Server Owner und ich finde so was dennoch scheisse!

    Bei uns soll jeder beim gleichen stand anfangen! Wir verurteilen nicht jemanden nur weil jemand anderes meint ihn hier auf eine Liste zu setzen! Woher soll man wissen ob die anschuldigungen stimmen?? Wer überwacht so was??

    if you have been around long time you would get to know the server owners and know witch ones are justified i don't ban anyone unless they really deserve it the names i have added here is not my whole ban list the users i add are users who i know for a fact that they come onto server just to greaf if you feel they need a chance you can have them all on your own server and good luck with that.