Posts by ozzyjimbob

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Haa! Thanks ArcticuKitsu!
    Is tea not a chill out thing anymore? :( it used to be such a comfort drink....but now....?
    Anyroad i have the felling that people are being arrogant and nasty for attention, and yes! you have our attention! we don't LIKE IT so STOP! haa! We are a community when last i looked, we really don't want to hear this garbage! Valid, calm, thoughtful questions SURE! This irrelevant rubbish? NO THANKS! haa!

    Respect to all...

    Thank you very much Fobsily! ;)

    I firmly believe the days of me using commands and flying etc are loooong gone! haaa! I mean, what's the point in that? There's no passion or that rewarding feeling to it is there? haa!
    When i put furniture in the house and other bits and bobs, i'll stick the snaps on here for sure! Haa!

    Just a few shots of my town. I plan to add a street leading to the residential area, and perhaps a church and inn. This is where all of the crafting goes on. If i need to craft so much as a block or beam, i have to get onto the road to town, and come here to use town's worktables, smelter etc. haa!
    It's a long-winded process, but it's really fun, and adds so much depth to the game. hee hee!
    The stone column inside the gates is the column i used to 'found' the town. i did consider replacing it with a tree, but thought that it gave the town a bit of 'lore'. haa!

    Hi there Friends!

    After penning up some solid rules for how i play Rising World in the future, (for immersion and realism haa!) i decided to try them out.
    My rules are:
    No commands,
    No Flying,
    No L key for the lantern,
    Plot must be claimed, by forming a wall or fence around it, before a house or farm etc can be placed.
    Crafting is only allowed in town, but the player must bring their own resources.
    Mining is allowed anywhere but town,
    Chopping trees and building is only allowed on player plot.

    So far, i've managed to stay true to these rules. It was a little bit hairy on the roof, balancing on planks to place the last few blocks on the front of the house. haa! It's so fun though!

    Furniture and Images of town will follow! haa!

    Red- Many thanks for the update on the Biomes! The screenshots look awesome! I love the penguins in the snowy region! haa! I couldn't help thinking, "now, will they avoid me, or will i be pecked to death?" haa! Now i can't decide where to build my new house. haa! Maybe i'll wait to build my haunted house in the swamp biome. haa haa!


    Some folks just need to chill out and find a distraction. Haa! Red and the guys are BREAKING THEIR BACKS trying to get this huge update out. We're all excited about this game and the updates but, you know? It will have been well worth the wait in the end! These guys are 100% genuine, and i intend to stand by them no matter what happens! The thing to do is just find something else to do, while these awesome devs work on the Biomes.
    I'm not saying that you're not entitled to your opinion, we all are, it just seems that a few folks are getting a wee bit impatient with the devs with something they're already doing. You'll get your update!
    Personally, i'd just take longer, and say, "you'll get it when it's ready!" haa!

    Why do people choose to grief in the first place? It's immature, cruel, and makes you look like a complete gimp. haa! Why? Some grand builds take an entire age, and for someone to just come along and destroy this in under a minute is......well......upsetting!
    I thought about the possibility of griefers getting tied into something like, if they attempt to destroy something on a server, something of theirs on THEIR world gets destroyed! So in effect, thy'd be destroying their own stuff! Sounds fair to me, but how to write something like this? I'm sure there's a way....they should pay! it would open their theory........

    Oh wow! You just gave me an idea for my town. A 'dive bar' with pool table and juke box (which plays all of my faves) and a raised stage with a rock band playing their own unique set. haa! (obviously the juke box would be off for the band. haa!)

    Aye! Alas Herbert is still nowhere to be seen my Friend. I have since moved onto a new world as well, so i guess we have taken roads to different horizons. ha!
    Perhaps we'll meet again one frosty morn. Maybe i'll be greeted with Herb and Harriet, son and daughter of Herbert the Vanisher. Haa!

    Well, Friend, if you want meat, you can kill pigs or Cows. Pigs drop bacon every time and somtimes ribs. Cows drop beefsteak everytime. Hide and the like is planned, so yeah! I'm afraid killing bears is all for naught unless you're driving them from your land. haa!
    If you give a few more bits and bobs about specific things you're having difficulty with, i'm sure most of us will rally to your aid Friend. I hope i helped a bit with getting meat, and i'll help futher if i can! have fun!

    Won't your Friends help you give the Bears a good hiding? If you take them on one at a time, and eat to refill your health between Bears, two of you should take them down no problem. :)

    Yeah, i can understand why Red and the guys have placed the compass onto the Tier II workbench, because it's modern era stuff, but i think we really need a paper map for the early era stuff, so that we can simply mark on our home. We'll ALL be exploring when the Biomes arrive, and we desparately need some way to pinpoint the location of our home. In my opinion, placing blocks and torches and things really takes away the immersion of the game, as you're concentrating on all this fiddling, and not taking in the scenery, and not looking for resources. :/

    Could you use the 'offtopic' for free chat? It does say that you can add any stuff unrelated to RW in there, so go for it Friend. haa!

    @Groovaholic- Hi there Friend! You really shouldn't put yourself down! What you created is really awesome! It kind of reminds me of Down Street Station from Shadowman. haa! But you have a really fresh creative edge! keep up the great work friend, and i look forward to seeing future stuff from your good self. ;)

    Why can't we have both then? Minimap AND paper based map? Then, people can just choose from the selection. The paper based one could be the medieval era version, and you could build yourself some kind of sat nav device for the mod era, which puts the minimap in the corner. :)

    Hi there Friend. The compass is created by using the tier 2 workbench...which you need aluminium for...which you need to travel far and wide for...which you need the compass for...Haaa! That's one of the dilemmas a few of us are grumbling a bit about. Aluminium is pretty bloomin' hard to find..and see once you find it. ha!

    Ah! Plants! Well. what you do, is you create a hoe first. This is used much like the rake, to create farmland. this soil can then be planted onto. Thanks Friend, and i hope i helped (and didn't rant on too much! ha!)

    * Watch out for the Tomatoes btw Friend! They do...odd...things! :) Once, i went to pick the toms off of one of my plants, and it grew really HUGE! It was like something from jack and the beanstalk! haa!

    Just a few thoughts about types of clothing which could be added to the game eventually.. :)

    ..Regular clothing..
    Crocodile skin - You could get the achievement 'snappy dresser' when wearing an entire outfit made from this.

    Camo - The player can utilize a whole range of different materials for this . There can be several kinds depending on the environment.

    Silk - i was thinking towards Terraria, with the spider web being harvested for silk at the loom, or there could be giant caterpillars around. Not silly huge, but large enough to see in the long grass.

    ...Other kinds...
    Bug armour - this could be two-tone colours, so it shines in the light, and there could be several styles and swappable colours.

    Wooden armour - this could be coated in some kind of resin harvested from the trees, and made as hard as metal. it could be an early game form of protection.