Posts by ozzyjimbob

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Would it be possible to create some kind of tool which works much like the rake or hoe, but it lays down cobblestone roads instead of dirt or farmland. It would be nice, i think, to have a kind of natural looking bumpy road or path.
    There could also be an option to include blocks in with the creation of this tool, so that we can choose which texture the tool lays down.
    What do folks think?

    @ ArcticuKitsu - thanks as always Friend. Your opinions are as valuable as anyone. I particularly liked the masked trickster, as i had ideas of the masquerade party having harmless ghosts dancing around the hall, and all of the treasure arranged like a banquet around the room. like a place frozen in time. Both tragic and beautiful at the same time.

    @yahgiggle - Everyone's opinion is valid Friend, i was not upset at all. I do not expect everyone to like my ideas. Haa!
    These were mere suggestions Friend. to be honest there were a few which i thought, "aah! i don't knooowww." but i though i'd see what you folks think. You've done that, and i thank you for your opinion Friend. Let's see what Red and the guys come up with shall we. haaa!

    I imagine they'll do some transition biomes first, to link the current biome to the next one, so we'll probably have the forest transition biome next, then the next one after that, and so on.
    I don't expect, like, two or three biomes at once, because that, i imagine, would take an age in one sitting, and drive Red and the guys to tears. haa!

    Swampland FTW! haa! I really hope it's something like Diablo 3's swampy areas like the paths of the drowned area. It would be such an eerie and awesome place to live in. haa!

    Just a few nasties for consideration. haa!

    1- Giant Rat, simple idea. bites the player and infects them. Has 15% chance to call two smaller rats to its aid, when its health is low.

    2- Lurking ShadeMan - is invisible in the dark, but becomes hostile when exposed to the light. Has 10% chance to envelope you in its arms, transporting you to the Shade realm (a hidden area of the hell biome) where lots of goodies await, with the cost of encountering lots of shadow themed hostiles. ( inky mare, skulking maiden, clouded darkbat )

    3- Greedy Treasure Hunter - mad with desire for loot, these will attack the player on sight. has 15% chance to steal one of the most valuable items from the player when they at low health. You get the item back on defeating the greedy treasure hunter.

    4- Masked trickster - dances around chuckling to itself, then removes its mask to reveal a hollow void where the face should be, vines lunge at the player from the void. Has 5% chance to open a portal to the Trickster's Masquerade party area, where there are valuable and rare items to collect, with the cost of too many items for the inventory, causing the player to make very hard choices.

    5- Gambling Witch - Is blind and follows player/ environment noises by popping out her blind eyeballs and throwing them like dice to decide where to move to, but also has 25% chance of summoning her 'Cat', the Shackled Abomination.

    6- Shackled Abomination- In life, it was a cat, but now, horribly disfigured from decay and witchcraft, it resembles only the shadow of what it used to be. Has 25% to be Summoned by the gambling witch, and forms a long rusty chain with her, guiding her around. Her 'dice eyes' now break open into tongues which crawl along the ground like caterpillars. On defeat this enemy drops deceptive dice, which can be thrown six times, each roll generating a random item or an enemy. can only be thrown inside the dungeon. If defeated in the second phase (with the 'cat') the player gets the deceptive dice and the stolen sack. the stolen sack contains four random dungeon themed items.

    Just a list of odd add-ons, which i think would add some options for players to (mostly) have fun with. haa!

    1- Id Plotter- This object will identify debris from mining and exploring, such as metal or wood particles, and give information about the civilization who handled the material. This will allow players to collect pages of lore and research the different settlements and even individuals dotted around the generated world. It could even reconstruct the material into a collectable object, such as a dagger or pot for display.

    2- Bacterial Scanner - the player holds onto this object much like a mobile phone, and it scans their entire body for infections, and gives information about what they have and how to gain the remedy, complete with ingredients needed.

    3- TechnoSketch - the player freely draws out plans for objects, tools, clothing etc, and prints them out. The plans can them be scanned through the physical materializer, to make them into real objects.

    4- Linguistic Translator - this object will translate any page of strange text, or an audio item into a chosen language. There could be hundreds of pages and cds strewn across the world, and some could even lead to mysteries for the player to uncover.

    5- Bio-Matter Combiner - this mixes up different living items, to create something new. For example, you could combine a carrot sapling with a maple sapling, and create a carrot tree.

    6- Test-Subject vault - This object will create creatures from anything living, such as raw meat or saplings. there could also be cage objects to display your mad scientist's creations.

    7 - Automated Tasker - This could be the brain which commands certain other robots. they could be capable of undertaking various tasks, such as farming, building etc. The tasker could be interacted with, and programmed to command the smaller robots to perform these tasks. This would be cheaper on your resources that human allies, with the cost of interaction. balancing out the costs.

    I was thinking about rare objects which appear in the world, which you cannot craft in your workshop. They appear in certain areas in the world. I find it quite exciting in the way which as you explore more and more, these rare areas pop up, and you can explore them in great detail with a small tool, a bit like ferensics, to take ,say, metal shavings from a fence, or brick particles from a wall. then the physical materializer reconstructs them to their original state. That way, you're not hacking the hell out of really interesting ruins and biomes. (unless you want to of course ha!)

    Obviously this is intended for very late stages in the game, and for the modern-style era, where technology will be pretty plentiful.

    Arcticukitsu- Oh i know! I saw a video of that Silent Hills demo, made me want to be sick! That part in the bathroom, in the sick. I mean....what the HELL! It crossed a about ten miles! As a parent it hit me quite hard! These people have either not got children, or they are mentally unstable in my opinion!
    In a word.....YUCK!

    Haa! Great idea Articukitsu! Love the idea of a mini game within a game. How about if they added games which mock the efforts of the player, such as run from the bear, dig dig dig, and time limit tree chop. haaa!

    Nice ideas as usual! Love it! Rising World definately needs more fun, but we all know that they're getting the basics of the world together first. haa!

    Many Thanks Arcticukitsu. I absolutely love the Irish and everything that surrounds them. ( That accent is awesome imo! haa!) I love your idea of the golden trees affecting th night sky. It would be truly beautiful. haa!

    just a thought for the computer object.

    If you like an object in the world, such as a graveyard fence, you could take a sample from it, and take it back to the computer, which could have an add on called the physical materializer. this add on object allows you to scan samples of objects into the computer, and the object they were taken from are materialized. Then, you simply take them and use them as a normal object.
    The computer in itself could have hundreds of different add on objects, which do different and interesting things, but you're limited to ten per computer or something. haa!

    What do folks think?

    Definately weeding up dirt paths, and maybe even block paths as they do in real world situations. No actual damage to the blocks a s such, just growing over the top, so you have to, like you said Arcticukitsu, scythe them up. Y'know, i'd actually welcome weeds to cover over my garden paths a little bit, because it would add to the realism wouldn't it. haa!

    Just a few suggestions for things which certain creatures may or may not drop during an adventure. Haa!

    Golden Cowbell- 5% chance of being in a slain cow's inventory. Meat has 10% less chance of spoiling, collect 4 carrots from one carrot plant.

    Infernal Cowbell- 1% chance of being in a slain cow's inventory. Ringing this at night causes all nearby cows to become possessed and attack the player.

    Diabolic beefsteak- 15% chance of finding in slain possessed cow's inventory. Take this down to hell, and cook in the lava for a challenge. (lures challenge monster when used)
    Leprechaun's golden coin- 2% chance of finding inside any container in the world. 20% chance of strange plants to grow on vacant farmland close to your spawn.

    Jellybean plant- 20% chance of growing while Leprechaun's golden coin is equipped on player. The jellybeans can be used to attract a large beehive. Place pile of jellybeans on a spot. (source of Honey) or can be replanted.

    Mini beanstalk- As above. the beans can be put into tonics to make them 15% more potent, or replanted.

    Candylion plant- As above. The flowers can be crushed into a jar of bottled water to create Candylion pop, eaten as they are as a sweet treat, or can be replanted.

    Golden Tree- As above. Can be chopped into Pieces of Golden logs, for very slow burning on fires, or can be replanted via golden tree sapling. Also grows golden pears.

    Lost HorseShoe- 5% chance of appearing inside barrels in the world. 10% chance of a bow/ crossbow to not consume an arrow/ bolt. 10% chance of any 1 of 2 handed weapon to deal double damage.

    Dented Shield- 6% chance of appearing inside chests in the world. 15% of attackers' blows to fling back at them, dealing half original damage.

    Coif of the fallen hero- 4% chance of appearing inside chests in the world. when worn, causes a shadow of the fallen hero to come to your aid, but only when player is below half health. Hero shadow abilities could be based upon player abilities, for balance.

    Contemplating your Grass Ponderings Arcticukitsu, i would love to see other types of grasses available as seeds. Such as...

    Clover (could be a 5% chance of getting a lucky clover which grants 10% faster growth of plants and trees. But 40% chance of a Leprechaun pinching it from you during a sleep cycle)

    Arcticukitsu- i love your ideas of weeds and things, and the biome specifics. Really thoughtful, Friend. I just wonder if it would be simpler to merely have things this way...
    You cut grass with the scythe, and grass seeds fall onto the ground. (Perhaps 25% chance?)
    You plant the grass seeds where you want grass. If you don't want grass, you go,"grass seeds? pah!" and move on. Everyone's happy, and the choice is there for both sides. I'm perhaps being a bit basic, as Rising World does deserve complexity too, but it's realistic as well. haa!