Dungeon Mob Suggestions.

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  • Just a few nasties for consideration. haa!

    1- Giant Rat, simple idea. bites the player and infects them. Has 15% chance to call two smaller rats to its aid, when its health is low.

    2- Lurking ShadeMan - is invisible in the dark, but becomes hostile when exposed to the light. Has 10% chance to envelope you in its arms, transporting you to the Shade realm (a hidden area of the hell biome) where lots of goodies await, with the cost of encountering lots of shadow themed hostiles. ( inky mare, skulking maiden, clouded darkbat )

    3- Greedy Treasure Hunter - mad with desire for loot, these will attack the player on sight. has 15% chance to steal one of the most valuable items from the player when they at low health. You get the item back on defeating the greedy treasure hunter.

    4- Masked trickster - dances around chuckling to itself, then removes its mask to reveal a hollow void where the face should be, vines lunge at the player from the void. Has 5% chance to open a portal to the Trickster's Masquerade party area, where there are valuable and rare items to collect, with the cost of too many items for the inventory, causing the player to make very hard choices.

    5- Gambling Witch - Is blind and follows player/ environment noises by popping out her blind eyeballs and throwing them like dice to decide where to move to, but also has 25% chance of summoning her 'Cat', the Shackled Abomination.

    6- Shackled Abomination- In life, it was a cat, but now, horribly disfigured from decay and witchcraft, it resembles only the shadow of what it used to be. Has 25% to be Summoned by the gambling witch, and forms a long rusty chain with her, guiding her around. Her 'dice eyes' now break open into tongues which crawl along the ground like caterpillars. On defeat this enemy drops deceptive dice, which can be thrown six times, each roll generating a random item or an enemy. can only be thrown inside the dungeon. If defeated in the second phase (with the 'cat') the player gets the deceptive dice and the stolen sack. the stolen sack contains four random dungeon themed items.

  • Just a friendly nudge to take a peak into - these mobs also. They may be a pain to insert, yet with a great pay-off in the end in making it awesome. It would be wise to nudge away from the generic while aiming for realistic foreign entities.

    1) - Giant rats would be nice pesky mobs to encounter. They simply fit everywhere with you needing to shovel/spade them to death.
    2) - Oh! I love this one! I love this creepy bastard! Need more of these unique type of entities within the world to attack, tease, and harass the player in sweet traps.
    3) - Another lovely mob that sounds awesome to add. Do love the idea that they steal your items, and all pleas to have them nerfed should be ignored. Players should wise up and enjoy the thrill of hunting your items back. I love this cruel greedy bastard. I'll constantly kill these types.
    4) - This sounds like my kind of mob. Something I'd come up with to provoke players. Instead of vines, I'd have the entity be more.....ominous with pranks. Basically spawning entities to harass the players then behaving like #2 by wrapping himself, or drugging the player with a blow-pipe. (Live & Let Die 007) This mob sounds like a nice lovely tease.
    5) - Fun, fun! Creepy, but fun. This one up's the Minecraft version nicely by giving her things to do. I'd grab my bow & arrow and shoot that eye into the wall. As for the cat, I'd sadly have to kill it if hostile. Poor kitty. For some mix of Anime & folklore fun, the kitty should sometimes appear neutral, even gaining a crude human form of either male or female form in the teens to communicate with player. Would be a hassle to code, but be worth it in that it would challenge the player to offer materials in dart games, or simple drinking games. There should also be a VERY rare chance to tame one of these cat familiars to be your comrade.
    6) - I see where you're going with this now with me also agreeing with this version. Still do enjoy my idea of anime & real-life folklore of the familiar gaining a rough human form (not a furry, just crudely human) when in a more 'neutral' alignment.


    Awesome stuff. Loving your version. Because I'm itching to find a proper game with you able to befriend NPCs as your followers (Skyrim style) I saw openings in #5 & #6 to do so. There should be a chance for the cat to appear neutral by simply guiding the witch around briefly. If you don't kill the gambling witch then the cat would be more friendly to you. If you also hide your weapons then it shall be more 'at ease' when it looks at you. Gaining the trust of the cat would allow the cat to prompt you for necessary items in your inventory, some of which should also allow you to tame the Kitty. If you even help the witch, or put it out of its misery in a friendly manner then the cat familiar should be yours in both kitty & humanoid form.

    I guess this would be more of a mod idea, but it irritates me that I can't mod this in myself. I'm too stupid to try and do this myself. I'd need someone to mod it in for me, or us, thanks to how I can't hold code in my mind.

  • @ ArcticuKitsu - thanks as always Friend. Your opinions are as valuable as anyone. I particularly liked the masked trickster, as i had ideas of the masquerade party having harmless ghosts dancing around the hall, and all of the treasure arranged like a banquet around the room. like a place frozen in time. Both tragic and beautiful at the same time.

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