Posts by ozzyjimbob

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Not to mention creatures. at the moment sealife has no home haa! and rhinos are sulking, monkeys want their jungle, and the polar bears are grumbling about the heat. haa! It's kind of a backward way of doing things isn't it Friend, but i think that the devs know just where they're going. haa!

    I'm thinking that this could be added at any point in the game's development really, but pretty please can we have some new ramp styles which represent roof tiles and even hay/ thatched roofing. I see a lot of medieval-style builds, and they look absolutely awesome. I just think that giving us some actual roof-specific textures, would be a really brilliant thing to do. I would love to see loads of tile types of different colours, and a few variations of thatched roofing, and perhaps a few unique ones from the guys' imagination.

    I think overall, the game need more things from imagination. if it's all about the real world, then it'll lose its appeal for most players very quickly in my opinion. Please don't get me wrong! I absolutely love the game, and where the devs are taking it, but i'd really love to see a lot more imagination thrown into it, rather than things which are expected in reality.
    I'm just saying that, probably, 70% more players would buy this game if there was some kind of imaginary/ fantasy edge to it. It doesn't have to be super over the top dragons and knights riding flying unicorns into haunted forests full of demons who throw their own heads at you. I just think that it can still be ultra realistic, but it need that extra something to make it truly interesting. haa!

    BTW-I am aware that the physical appearance of the please makes no difference. Haaa!

    Haa! I know! tell me about it. That's what i thought you did, when i was a newbe on here. Haa! Now i'm a little bit well known....i'm none the wiser. haa! I guess the more stuff you post, the better 'status' you get. haa!

    Haa! It would be a pleasure! hee hee!
    I have to tell you, it was dark, and damp, and there were weird noises coming from all directions...then this!...It lunged right in my face, then i just ran for my life! I was afraid i'd be swallowed whole, and end up in a horrible place. haa!

    haa! great! We'd love to have you Friend. you may have to hold on to your cup and saucer though, as it may float away. (those pesky poltergiests. haa!)

    The plan is to add a separate outbuilding as a workshop and forge, as before, and i plan to hold off from filling the place up, until more variety of furniture is added. The kitchen shall have counters soon, and i will add a complete second floor, and use the attic space. Haa! There will be a cellar too. haa!

    Arcticukitsu said- Nice, just a place I won't go to.

    Awww. Not even if the offer of tea and biscuits is made. we have a butler. He is the bestest ever, though he is very dead. haa!

    I think that everything should be original to begin with (on the finished game) so you have the radio object, as suggested, and the guys have created hundreds of original tracks and several radio stations, perhaps categorized by genre, for example they could have a station called dr.danceduck, and they could specialize purely in dance music.
    I strongly hope that the computer object will be a powerful customization hub, and allow you to add your music into the game. haa! Just my 2 cents, so to speak. hee hee!

    Arcticukitsu- I bet Red and the guys are sitting there on their tea break just falling off of their chairs laughing at our crazy ideas. I'll bet that they find them really great (as i do yours) but very very funny. haa! Loving the thought of actually taming the scavenger. I intended it to be a pure pest originally, but all of my ideas here are wide open for building upon, and i'm loving seeing the transformation. Thanks for the compliments dear Friend. Your ideas are awesome, and i'd love to see you throw some drawings this way. I'd be really interested to see them.

    Deirdre- I love the Drawing. it's really sweet. It would be really interesting to have this dude as a temporary Christmas npc. He could wander around and drop random presents now and again, but if you attack him he turns grey, and his face changes to a really nasty scowl, and he throws ice balls at you. (i remember School! Why was it never snow always bloomin' ice! hee!) haa! sorry, my imagination again. hee hee!
    Thanks for the compliments dear Friend, and i'll carry on adding my usual random bits now and again for sure! haaa!