kurtze frage nicht böss gemein... aber das ist nur ein weisses haus willst da noch was dran verändern ?

Ryan's Blueprints
- Java Version
- English
- Ryan
How could you upload your blueprint? Mine have an unidentified ending.
I turned it into a 7zip.
Thank you, but I think I'll wait for an update.
No problem. The Blueprint format has been correctly adjusted again, so everything is fine now.
That is ok, take your time and have fun!
Alright, this whole thread can be taken down if needed, as I won't be adding to it any more. Here's my thinking; I originally thought it would be convenient to have all my blueprints in one place. However, I've realized that this could get very disorganized. Let's say I submit five blueprints. Then, one day, I make an alternative to my first one, and then submit a sixth blueprint, and give an alternative to #2 and 4, and then 7 through ten, etc. That gets messy, I personally don't like sifting through stuff, so I can't expect others to. So, from now on, I'm doing one thread per blueprint.
You got a good idea!
Added the Label Java Version
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