Medieval and Modern Game Modes!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • red51 I had a really cool idea! Know how you have content in the game that is a mixture of Medieval and Modern? Well I think it would be really cool to have an option so that you can switch from Modern to Medieval gameplay.

    For example, if Medieval mode is selected, all modern content isn't available, so that people can build a Medieval themed world, and if Modern mode is enabled, people can build a modern themed world. Of course, a default option is recommended as well to have both content(the default game). Perhaps adding in more medieval and modern textures, as well as objects for the occasion?

    I think a good amount of people would be very happy with this option!

  • If I could dream the ultimate dream version of RW...

    I'd like to have the game more forward scaling by using a polymorphic factory design pattern and setting hierarchies and asset locations using config files. This allows the server administrator to set the hierarchies of components and workbenches/refinement systems. This is the survival system aspect but there could be many other aspects such as empire building system (same idea as survival; dont let your empire die). It could be like Age of Empires in first person... or any RTS game theme really.

    Of course the game could be exactly as it is now with a default assets and config. Or limit the theme as suggested in Ash's post, "Medieval and Modern Game Modes!"

    Then I could make all the assets and set up my Elvish (with alchemy) themed dream server. :~)

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