RIP Star Wars (I'll miss you)

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • I'm going to skip past all the allegedly "political" stuff of Disney having intentionally killed Star Wars, made it actual real-world political (not fictional political), and destroying everything to simply state I feel pained about Star Wars. I still do, yet always can happily recall the good old days of Star Wars. Everything up until Rogue One, Clone Wars, and Andor. Everything else is simply trash, and I can't respect Star Wars with how I grew up with it in the 1990's. The Star Wars now isn't even Star Wars, it's an off-brand sci-fi story pretending to be Star Wars making things ACTUALLY political while Star Wars was fictional political. You can see Acolyte getting all the well deserved hate, yet I won't go into that. I want to focus on what made Star Wars good, all the good stuff not being Disney.

    I simply came here to post the old classics. Even how original Battlefront 1 & 2 (2005 era) was far better received, especially after the Collection edition with upscaled textures bloated the "remaster" to unplayable states. Older is better. Listening to older Star Wars music hits a far more nostalgic and magical state of things.

    - Duel of Fates (Remix)

    Andor was possibly the last proper Star Wars before Disney went full on mental idiocy. I love occassionally going back to listen to Andor hearing all the good stuff before it was fully corrupted into a trashy state of existence.

    - Andor (OST) - Niamos Intro:

    Andor - Morlana One Nightclub Music:

    My Name is Kino Loy:

    (Far better in context.)

    This is where real man cried, and the fake ones were shown as the frauds that they are.

    "There are 5,000 of us. If we can fight half as hard as we've been working, we will be home in no time. One way out! One way out! One way out!"

    "I can't swim".

    Real Star Wars is earned, not given. Everything is fought for.

    The classics is where it's at. A little bit with Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Trilogy, yet majority of real Star Wars is in past games. They don't make great games as they used to, and it constantly shows.

    I wonder if someone will be creative enough to get Star Wars modifications in Rising World. Shall be fun seeing if people are that brave. If Red51 allows me to mod via "Caveman IQ" tools then I'll do my fair share of desired backlog desires. :monocle:


    - Rogue One - The Imperial Suite:

    I miss real Star Wars, not this modern trashy crap. I miss how older 2005~ games gave me actual hype an nostalgia, something modern media tends to struggle to do. People forgot what "passing the torch" meant. :verysad:


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