Permissions Bug

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I set up the server and placed my uid in the file under admin. I made an admin group and put it in the group folder in the Permissions folder I made. I started the server and logged in and did a makeadmin sharkbitefischer and a setplayergroup sharkbitefischer admin in the console. All appeared to opperate good untill I logged out and back in. The colors in the info list went white for admin until I either did a makeadmin or a setplayergroup again in the console to have the color code return to a proper red for our server. If I log out and back in again, I have to repeat the process. I understand the admin setting overwrites the group setting but the color settings for the chat and the info list "i" should remain, I would think. This would be good for customizations to the servers.

  • Thanks for letting us know! There are indeed a few conflicts between actual admin permissions and permission groups... it's mostly visual stuff, but still something that needs to get sorted out. We will fix that with the next update ;)

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