area protection question

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Unfortuantely there is no command for this available... you could only get this information right from the "Areas.db" database file (you can open it with an SQLite editor)...

    However, this would be a pretty useful command, so we will put it on our to-do list for the next update :)

  • When adding a player to an area, you can specify which permission should apply to that particular player. When a player enters an area, the game first checks if there is a player-specific permission assigned to that area. In this case, it will be used. If there is no player-specific permission (i.e. player was not added to the area), the default area permission will be used (the default area permission automatically applies to all players who enter the area). If no default area permission is set, the regular player group permission is used instead.

    But all permissions you want to assign must be in the "Areas" subfolder in the "Permissions" folder. You could add permissions there like "owner", "visitor" etc and assign them to the particular players. There is no limit on how many permissions you can create, so you could also just create a player-specific permission (e.g. a "sharkbitefischer.json" file) which is then only used for a single player.

  • red51 when adding a player to an area is there a way, or can you make it so we can apply specific area group permissions to individual players? Not just as a default area permission.

    i mad e4 permissions groups pve/pvp for defaults and ownerpve/ownerpvp for the actual area owners. they both show up for the default and user permissions tho.

  • i mad e4 permissions groups pve/pvp for defaults and ownerpve/ownerpvp for the actual area owners. they both show up for the default and user permissions tho.

    Yes, the game does not distinguish between player and default area permissions - so all permissions (in your "Areas" folder) can be used as default permission or assigned to individual players. Basically the "default area permission" is just a way to assign a permission to all players without having to add all players to that area.

  • Thanks red. I hadn't messed with adding players to groups but it seems to be working fine :) The lock out and lock in functions should be fun to mess with. Can we turn on pvp just inside the areas ? It appears that we can. That would be great if it works :D I don't see blueprints being restricted in the permissions. Could we have an option to prevent blueprints being made in our areas? I ask for privacy reasons, so people won't just go shopping on the different servers for builds that people want to keep private.

  • Can we turn on pvp just inside the areas ?

    Yes, basically every permission in a permission file (including pvp) can be set specifically inside an area (with few exceptions) ;)

    I don't see blueprints being restricted in the permissions

    Yeah, there are currently no permissions about blueprints (or other things like posters), because they are not implemented yet. Once the blueprint update is ready, there will be also corresponding permissions for them ^^

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