Area Protection problem

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
  • Since the small update to the server yesterday, I came back to the area protection not working on my server this morning and all the areas on my server were gone, and my moon is a mess. Areas can be remade but why did they all disappear?

    with more testing, the areas that are newly set are not holding and disappearing. I am also having problems with some of the console commands until I do a setplayergroup name admin

    then they start working again, undependably, but when I log out and back in the group setting doesn't hold and I have to do it all over again. I have checked my file and my permissions and all seem to be in order. The problem with the console commands maybe a lag problem.

    We reset a password for security and restarted the server and then went to testing again and the areas seem to be holding this time but I do not trust them. I will let you know more in a little bit.

  • There was no update for Rising World yesterday :wat: But according to SteamDB, Valve updated the Steam SDK package yesterday. This happens from time to time, we have no control over this, but it should not interfere with the game or the server.

    Areas are stored in the "Areas.db" file in the World folder. If the file is corrupted, for example, there should be more information about that in the logs. Maybe you could upload the latest server log here (or send it via PM to me).

    What do you mean about the moon being a mess? oO

  • I made a small moon in the air :)

    we had griefers over night too and they did damage to our spawn as well as my moon.

    After the restart the areas seem to be holding now. I checked the data base and only the 2 areas we had just made were in it. Originally there were more. can't do anything about them now but I will check on things a little later and let you know if anything changes.

  • ok, it seems the restart stabilized the areas made but I found another problem. if I am inside an area and try to use showareas in the console or use hideareas in console it won't work, but if I step outside the area it works perfect. In fact I have problems using tod 8 while inside an area too. I have everything turned on in admin permissions too. This is dependably happening to me. I also have all permissions turned on for the area owners permissions. And I have my default permission set at lockout with nothing allowed but to leave the area. I am the owner.

  • sharkbitefischer

    Changed the title of the thread from “Area Protection and the new small server update.” to “Area Protection problem”.
  • red51 yesterday I entered a server where all the area protections were removed and my build was destroyed. We got the server fixed and reset a cuple areas and left the server with a password on it to test if the areas would stay and they did. I let it set for 12 hrs with a password on it an all looked good so I removed the password to allow traffic as usual, I came home tonight to all the areas gone, my build was destroyed after I fixed it last night and I believe other admins had damage to there builds too. It appears that if you allow default players the ability to make there own areas that they can also remove other areas too and this is a problem. I have not tested this theory yet but I will let you know what I find. If this is the case it makes self claiming useless.

    How do you restrict the setting of area protection and still allow creative tools?

    Will "areatools"; false do the trick, allowing gm1 but disabling the f9 area protection tool?

  • If "areatools" are set to true in the permission, the player has access to the creative mode area tools (F9), which means he gains full control over all areas - he can create, delete or modify areas. Actually the area tools (F9) were originally meant to be an admin-only tool. If you want a player to have access to creative mode (without the ability to change areas), make sure to set "areatools" to false, and just set the particular creative mode tools you want to allow (e.g. "terraintools", "removaltools" etc) to true. Also set "changegamemode" under "general" to true (so the player can actually use the "gm" command).

    Self-claiming for areas isn't implemented yet unfortunately :( You can already set an area "claimable" though, but this has no effect currently. The idea is to have a specific item in the future which allows players to claim land. If areas are set up and set to "claimable", a player could place his "claim item" in this area to claim this area. This way you could set up pre-defined plots on the server (which may be helpful if you want to create a city, and want players only to be able to claim specific parts of land).

    In addition to that, players will also be able (depending on server settings) to create new areas with this "claim item" (as long as these areas do not collide with existing areas). These areas are a bit different than regular areas (which were set up via area tools). Once a player removes his claim item, his self-claimed area will also be removed (this does not apply to claimable areas created by admins, as mentioned above) ;)

  • red51 Thanks for the info. To bad the self claiming isn't working. These settings you gave us should do the trick. I am sorry for all the trouble. On another note we still have problems with using console commands inside a claim. We have to step outside the areas to use the console commands.

  • On another note we still have problems with using console commands inside a claim. We have to step outside the areas to use the console commands.

    This will be likely fixed with the next update. There were quite a few issues regarding permissions in general, so I guess the commands issue is related to that. If you still experience these issues after the next update, please let me know :)

  • Hmm... this may be related to the other issue that permissions are not applied correctly (which will be fixed with the next update). Did you set it in the "default" permission file? That should basically work. Or did you set it in a specific group permission?

  • I made it in a builders file that was a copy of the default file. just for kicks I will add it to the default file and see what happens.

    also "nofalldamage": false, does not seem to work although hunger and thirst do work, I am not sure about temp yet.

  • wow when I added itemgive true to the default group it gave me the axe although I was set for the builders group. I wonder about fall damage now.

    no fall damage is already set to false so that 1 isn't working.

    at least I got the item command to work . It mat be the wrong way to do it but it is working lol.

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