I keep seeing people using cheat commands in the videos and clearly its not all dev's. Has anyone got a list up? Besides F2 I can't find any of a magic hotkey, the right syntax or whether its turned off. I have got stuck in interesting situations where F2 was my only way out so I have used that a lot. You can fall so far that on lower draw distances you can't see which way is up. lol. Shift ... nothing ...shift ... Is this working? Wait I see tree roots. I'm saved! If you place stone and dirt blobs too close the marching cubes world mesh updates with you on the wrong side of iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. And down you goooooooo. You can't place block close just blobs of mined stone and dirt.

- wesleybruce
- Closed
This could be useful for you: New Player Reference - Commands and Basics - Updated Jan 18 ( I am also working on a more basic beginner's guide on steam, but I am lazy with translation atm
You can fall so far that on lower draw distances you can't see which way is up.
You can hold space to fly straight up.
Shift is not working in fly mode.
It is a kown bug that you can fall through the ground, devs are working on it -
F2 isn't a "cheat". It just invokes fly mode.
A "cheat" is like a secret key combo or situation that gives you unlimited food or health.
We can currently fly in both survival and creative... for now. But that will change. Enjoy it while you can. -
that word makes me quiver.
Hey Turbo, where you been hanging since Abysom & Deadlands servers gone?
I been on Qc Quebec French server stop by for a beer buddy! -
just finishing a video for the update today I'll be on the servers steadily now doing videos
It is a kown bug that you can fall through the ground, devs are working on it
It seems to be the top right mesh and I'm seeing rock sprites glitch through in wireframe and roll off. Could it be an ambiguous marching cubes case colliding with the camera or the top of the layer bounding box (And sprites)? Too obvious.
http://users.polytech.unice.fr…d/MarchingCubes/algo.htmlHopefully the devs are well aware of that type of hole. The catch is that there are few solutions that don't increase the memory and processing load.
I got talking about the problem in my most recent letaplay and blam I was in the world. Nice view. Perfect timing and a pure accident. I panicked and called F2 F1 twice!
ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_u6zZI1ZPYc about 1 minute in.
Its happened a few more time off camera and its definitely head high not under the 'feet'. Why does this happen in every alpha voxel world?I also noticed that if you get down to a one point/ vertex the resulting diamond is asymmetrical.It should not be longer in one direction if the mesh goes to the middle of the edge. Strange.
I'd love to see the code but my dyslexia would probably just make it into a jumble of letters like most text.
It happens often when you are in a cave which is getting smaller and lower. If you try to move to the smallest spot, it will probably happen
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