Working hidable objects no longer works?

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-20)
  • I have noticed that in the Java version we could "hide" objects like chairs/chests ext behind a thin plank and still be ably to use that item, but at least for now, this doesn't seem to be the case? I have tried making a thin piece of plank but all I get is a notice saying "This space is restricted" or nothing at all seems to happen. (when using chests) screenshot included, is this not possible now or can it still be added later on?

    Many thanks Red51

    Rising World:
    [GCGS] Rosalia 3 Creative Unity

  • Well, basically there are two issues here: one issue is that you cannot interact with objects through walls, the other issue is that the new version performs additional checks for seatings (to make sure the space above the chair is not obstructed by other objects or players).

    For the first issue, I agree that it would be helpful if we change that, so at least certain objects can still be used even if they're behind a thin wall ;) For the second issue, the best solution would be probably to introduce a special seating (similar to the one in the Java version) which does not perform any collision checks. We may also tweak the collision checks in general.

    In your particular case, however, it may work if you use chairs instead of the log bench: After placing a chair (make sure it's centered), you can change it's size by using the "edit size 1 0 1" command (while looking at the chair), this will make the chair very thin. If you place the chair directly beneath the seating area, it may work.

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