activating blueprint screen.

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • after playing with things a bit, the freezing of the game mainly occurs the first time you open the BP console. It takes at least 20 sec, more like 30 secs, to open the window. After that the game only freezes for about 10 sec before opening the BP window. It really isn't hurting anything, but it is annoying. Thought you should know.

  • How many blueprints do you have exactly? Is the game installed on a HDD or SSD? Currently the game reloads all blueprint files from hard drive every time you open the blueprint menu (so newly added blueprints become visible without having to restart the game), however, there is definitely room for improvements (the game could cache existing blueprints which didn't change).

    Maybe you could send us a report, it would contain more information about which part is loading so long :) To do that, please open the blueprint menu (so the freeze occurs), then open the console and type "report" (maybe add a small note referring to this topic, e.g. "bp long load times", so we know this report belongs to this topic).

  • I do have thousands of BPs. It just seems weird that the game is freezing, and you can't do anything till the BP screen loads. I tried to send a report, but I am not sure it sent. Will try again.

    The report sent this time. It is tagged "BP Long Load Times again" in the comment area. The freeze was not as long this time but did happen.

    Also, I have the game installed on a sata hdd 1 TB secondary drive and my OS is on a 128gig ssd drive and is windows 11 not windows 10

  • Thanks, we've received the report :thumbup: I can see it took ~ 20 seconds to load the blueprints, which is way too long. According to the log, there are a few broken blueprints (which slow down the loading procedure), although that wouldn't make a big difference tbh...

    Having that said, we're currently working on an optimization which could speed up the loading procedure tremendously. It should be available with the next update ;)

    Until then, the only workaround would be to reduce the total number of blueprints in the folder :|

  • Is there a way that the game could flag the broken BPs for easy removal?

    Currently it's only possible to find the broken blueprints through the log file (the game throws an exception when loading a corrupted blueprint)... the broken BPs then do not show up in the menu.

    We could maybe add a small indicator which gives a list of BPs which could not be loaded :thinking:

  • Currently it's only possible to find the broken blueprints through the log file (the game throws an exception when loading a corrupted blueprint)... the broken BPs then do not show up in the menu.

    We could maybe add a small indicator which gives a list of BPs which could not be loaded :thinking:

    This would be acceptable and would make things easier to clean up the problem spots.

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