Constuction Radial

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  • Couple of things, not sure if the save and load of presets work correctly. Saved two blocks last night, went to use them this morning and they have minus sizes?

    One other thing, the Context Menu via c, you have to hold the c key to get it to display, so when you go to save a block and give it a name the dialouge for `Enter a preset name` fills up with "c characters". Maybe have context menu as a toggle rather than a hold down?

  • The presets have minus sizes if the element was flipped (basically the game flips elements by just negating the size) - but this indeed turns out to be an issue when loading them from presets :thinking: We will fix that! :)

    About the c key, we'll also prepare a fix for that :saint: About the radial menu behaviour, you can change that in the misc settings: If you don't want to hold down the key to keep the men open, you can turn "Radial-Menu Auto-Close" off.

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