Play with friends - Permissions [JAVA]

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    how can I change the permission in MP game run through "Play with friends", or "Open to LAN"?

    As I run it, the permissions are changed (e.g. Keep Inventory).

    Where should I give the permission file? Or how to do it.

    All I found is how to create the dedicated server with steamcmd. I tried to install it, but it doesn't looks like it is connected to "Play with friends", or "Open to LAN" server function. I'm not sure, maybe I miss something, it is a little bit confusing. :verysad:

  • Hmmm,

    It is without permissions, but permissions are aplied in the diffrent way as the local game was defined.

    And I can't change those permissions?

    It is even more weird. The original player who hosted this game got fly and lost keep Inventory and I as the second player have no fly but I got keep inventory. Really strange.

  • Sorry red51 to bother you with the old java version, but maybe you could help.

    Is there a way how to change permissions on lan/friends game? Some command, or by putting permission file somewhere?

    I can't believe that this is the intended behavior.

  • If you host the game you could make your friend admin.

    Makeadmin (name)

    Yes, I know, but this is not the solution I'm looking for.

    The think is so. My son is playing the game on kids setting (keep inventory, no hunger, ...) and he wanted me to join his local game.

    But "Play with friends" as well as "Open for lan" messes all the settings.

    I bought him separated license so we can play together, but this is a bit of disappointing.

    I created dedicated server, but ... it is not that straightforward and seems to me like unnecessary complication.

    Anyone without technical knowledge is going to be screwed up.

  • IIRC you can use permissions in a LAN/P2P game in the Java version (just set up a permission folder in your game directory, similar to setting up permissions for a dedicated server) :thinking:

    I think that works, but I haven't tested it in a long time unfortunately :/ It's a bit tricky and quite cumbersome... this topic contains more information about it: Permission system [Java Version]

    I could prepare a permission file for you, just tell me which settings you want to be active :) But as mentioned, I'm not 100% sure if permissions really work in P2P games in the Java version :silenced:

  • IIRC you can use permissions in a LAN/P2P game in the Java version (just set up a permission folder in your game directory, similar to setting up permissions for a dedicated server) :thinking:

    I think that works, but I haven't tested it in a long time unfortunately :/ It's a bit tricky and quite cumbersome... this topic contains more information about it: Permission system [Java Version]

    I could prepare a permission file for you, just tell me which settings you want to be active :) But as mentioned, I'm not 100% sure if permissions really work in P2P games in the Java version :silenced:

    This was the first think I tried, but it doesn't seems to work. Maybe wrong directory?

    I tried those permissions in steamapps/common/RisingWorld/ directory:

  • I'm not sure if the default permission actually works in P2P sessions, but the group permissions should work, I've just tested it now ^^

    You could try to modify the "admin.permissions" file in the "groups" subfolder (you can also rename that group if you don't want it to be called "Admin", e.g. just call it "player.permission" or something like that) ;)

    Then the player group can be changed with the "spg" command (this only needs to be done once), e.g. "spg <playername> <groupname>" (this needs to be done by the host, so if your son is hosting the game, he has to use the "spg" command with your name to give the according permissions to you).

    Please let me know if that doesn't work :)

  • I tried it for myself and it works, but I have to run the command every time I open the game for lan/friends.

  • I tried it for myself and it works, but I have to run the command every time I open the game for lan/friends.

    Does that mean you've applied the command to yourself? Unfortunately this needs to be set indeed everytime you load the game, because the game always applies full admin permissions to the host :/

    But for other players, it should work automatically :)

  • Does that mean you've applied the command to yourself? Unfortunately this needs to be set indeed everytime you load the game, because the game always applies full admin permissions to the host :/

    But for other players, it should work automatically :)

    It there a way how to change the default admin permission?

    The file admin.permissions is ignored.

  • It there a way how to change the default admin permission?

    The file admin.permissions is ignored.

    Unfortunately you can't change the default admin permissions :/ The "admin.permissions" is basically just an example permission if someone wants to create a group called "admin", but it's not related to the actual admin permission... it's a indeed a bit confusing, maybe we change that for the new version.

  • Unfortunately you can't change the default admin permissions :/ The "admin.permissions" is basically just an example permission if someone wants to create a group called "admin", but it's not related to the actual admin permission... it's a indeed a bit confusing, maybe we change that for the new version.

    Thanx anyway, I got it working with dedicated server and link to the word db, so the world is playable as single player as well as on server.

    It is a pitty, that the java version is not updated anymore.

    The game could read the world settings by opening Lan game and create accordingly permisions files (Admin and player) and then automaticaly set them to connected users.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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