Rising World - DLC Support Add-On

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Alright, I'm going to give this its own dedicated thread after being brushed off by "know-it-all" type individuals. THS_Tritonb basically supported what I've been basically saying that, if directly or indirectly. Basically, people were worried Rising World would lose its funding (dip into red) coming with with ideas on how to help Red51, the best answer being the whole 'Studio Mode' suggestion. Even THS_Tritonb, even if unware, dips into that 'Studio Mode' suggestion.

    Sure, custom textures for various tools and vehicles work. It can be done, but on the flip side it has been openly observed people purposely refused offering more from their wallet in stinginess. An hypocritical "Scrouge" like move. If you're going to support Red51 then go all the way, don't chicken out.


    "Seeking World Gen' Seed Tool - Studio Mode Territory":


    Is there a online seed generator tool? Even a tool to punch the # of the seed you are using to see what it looks like? Unity version if it matters

    This would best be done with the proposed 'Studio mode'.


    - Rising World - Studio Mode (Proposed):

    What would this proposed Studio Mode do?

    Learning from Japanese indie developers it should be treated as a "gallery", and with external features as we move along. It has to allow the user to view animations of player models, NPCs, etc. It has to allow viewing of objects, furniture, and maybe even place them in a basic sense to set up basic scenes. Preview, or window-shopping, basically. Another feature can also be spawning worlds in a 50x50 chunk in a player form, or unlimited in isometric viewing.

    Red51 would have to look at various 'Studio' modes from 'Illusion Game Studio' (Koikatsu, Honey Select, etc), or even other indie games on Steam dealing with lewd themes. Various Japanese games come standard with 'gallery mode', something this studio mode could do in a standalone manner. Default screenshots, inserted updated screenshots, listening to music, etc.

    (Example of an 'Studio Mode', something that could be used to view player models, animations, etc.)

    As for world view, 'Seed Generators', maps you can view Minecraft's 'AMIDST' software to preview the terrain generation.

    It should also be a tool to allow the users to test various models before importing them into Rising World. A dependency check, telling you what you're missing, etc.


    In closing:

    I know people hate my wall of texts, suck it up. It's life. Sacrifices are mandatory in life. Put up or shut up. I know I may sound arrogant, but people do want this , they won't go on the forum to say this. The question from THS proved my point people genuinely want and desire the 'Studio Mode' for Rising World, and it would help if it was a paid DLC (even if they're oblivious to their own curiousities). Win-win for Red51 AND the community, even if its full of hypocrites, at times. One Red51 is able this would be a good way to help everything all around, especially with the API, plugins, and seed generation predictions. People wanted maps? This is a decent external way of going on about it.

    If players are worried about funding then this is the best way to go about it. I'm not trying to gaslight or censor anyone (you guys are doing that to yourselves), I however am aware how much people want to pinch their wallets even when they claim they want to "support" Red51 in some weird "spiritual" sense. Sometimes you just have to put out to gain equal amount of effort back, as shown by various Japanese communities for various games. Look at VRChat's Japanese community via 'VKet', or Minecraft Japan, or PIXIV/BOOTH, and 'WIDAR', etc.

    Take a look at PIxiv's Booth to see what the Japanese community has made with potential stuff being inserted into Rising World at a future date. If there is a will, there is a way. Don't be shy, you won't gain anything by hiding or pretending to have some weird sense of forum "bravado", or whatever.




    WIDAR can be used to scan real world objects (figures, vases, etc) into a format Rising World (Java) can support, and something Unity version shall support in a "few months" of this posting.

  • For those claiming I may be "too arrogant", or whatever fail to realize why I'm so frustrated. I'm just seeing leaps and bounds of progress, enthusiasm and etc Japanese side then when it comes to Rising World there are too many false promises, pretending to help out, or even penny pinching when one shouldn't.


    Again, Re-proposing this Studio Mode for Rising World (and for Red51) so we can actually push Rising World to its full potential, and hopefully get it more funding. People may be pissed, but if you listen to them you'll get nothing done. Just look at the zombie topic (on steam) with how people couldn't converse properly blaming me for everything just because they disliked how they couldn't censor people's game universally, not their own client.

    Oh, and you may see Anime. Add whatever the hell you want into Rising World. You can customize it to whatever you want. Remove anime to add in Disney or Warhammer stuff. I don't give a crap. Your client, your desires. My client, my desires.


    Back to the point:


    Studio Mode could check to see if these could be read properly via their model format of '.obj', etc for when Unity API modding & Plugin is implemented. Check it with the tool before injecting it into your client.

    The next batch of tweets are from Kris, a Busou Shinki enthusiast importing models into VRChat, something I hope to do with Rising World. IF Red51 is open and willing to go that route. It all depends on Red51. I'm sharing these Japanese tweets to show what could potentially be done with Rising World as well via the Plug-in & Modding API, especially giving tracking support (as shown in the last tweet in the bottom), and what we could potentially see. Granted, Rising World could be stunted in its modding and API fuctions, it could also potentially not even reach the state VRCHat has. It however has the potential to reach fairly high, even to the point I'm sharing these Japanese tweets which I saved on my Discord. Yes, every tweet.

    Again, it doesn't have to be Anime themed, it can be anything you desire. Disney, Warhammer, Star Wars, etc. It's your World. What does this have to do with the proposed Studio Client? Dependency checks. See if it works, then have it work seamlessly in Rising World itself. Don't corrupt worlds trying to make it work, have the tool check it before you do.

    If there is a will, there is a way.

    Also, if people are wondering about my mood I do have a cold and feeling under the weather. I may come back to edit either two postings later, unless deleted or whatever.

  • Oh, but Arcticu. You say thing that causes division. We do not want a Studio Mode for Rising World, even though we desire a tool that allows us to view world generation capabilities. We want something but we don't want a tool for it, we want to pretend we want something then cheap out on it.

    There is demand for a tool that allows people to view world generation, this would be an ideal way to view it, if by Red51's hands or by modder's hands. I would prefer it be done by Red51 so the funds could go to Red51 to keep Rising World as awesome as possible. All funds could go to Red51 to keep things going smoothly. Even if people may ghost me, or view me as arrogant, I feel this is the best way on helping Rising World out. It would help things out in the long run and everybody would be happy customizing the game they want, studying things, viewing animations, and just having fun with the game in various ways. Even previewing blueprints in the Studio without 'ruining' everything in game leaving everything as a surprise.

    Good luck, Red51. People do want a tool that would fit the whole 'Studio Mode', people just love ghosting and being stubborn. For example, locally in Ottawa people refused to have an embankment construction until it became useful when flooding along the Ottawa river happened. Water rose too much that it actually helped them out preventing flooding of homes, THEN they were hypocritically grateful. People are grateful when it's too late, or after the fact.

    I view creating, exploring the worlds in creative mode (flying around), and then deleting them as wasteful. Let us have a tool similar to 'AMIDST' in this case built into this software to simplify everything. A map in game could work, yes, (I'd be grateful for an ingame map) but this needs to also be done externally. Not to pressure Red51, this is just a helpful solution that helps everyone out to study, examine, and view things externally, as desired by others and myself in this case. It would genuinely be a win-win for everybody. People desire an external tool, thus an external tool needs to be looked into, whether they realize it or not. They're simply not giving it form, they're wishing for things missing in a void.


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