a console appears when I start the java version

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    ok I have been building my new comp and trying to tune things in. In the steam windows version, How do you prevent a win cmd console from opening on game start? This does not happen on my old comp. The terminal that opens is like a server terminal and shows what the game is doing. this is only visible running in window mode. It does open in the background, so it is not bothering anything, but I would rather it didn't happen. BTW when I shut the terminal window down it closes the game. How do I fix this? The comp came with win 11 if it makes any difference. Oh, it also was able to start the game before I installed java 8. When I run java -version in the cmd console everything checks out with only java 8 installed. I have verrified the files and all checks out.

  • thanks that might be it

    Nope the debug console it set to false. red51 got any ideas?

    Ok, I set debug console to true and I see the difference in the debug console and what is happening. It is a separate window and looks just like a server window when running the dedicated serve. It still happens with debug console set to true. It is a bit different readout though. Now the debug console has all the info that was in the other window and the win cmd console has this in it.

    LOADING CLASSPATH FROM: E:\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld/data/classpath.xml

    Steam - Load native library: steam_api64.dll Filesize: 250656 bytes

    Steam - Load native library: steamworks4j64.dll Filesize: 273920 bytes

    Steam - Load native library: steamworks4j-server64.dll Filesize: 145920 bytes

    Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 324080

    Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: [API loaded no]


    Name: sharkbitefischer (Online)

    Language: english

    Found display mode 1280x800 @ 0 (0 bpp)

    created errorhandler...

    Language set to: English

    I removed my steam ID from the info. setting the debug console back to false, all the info in the debug console now is shown in the other console again.

    As I said, the console that opens up looks just like a server terminal. I may have copied the game info from my other comp to install the game, do I need to uninstall and reinstall? I do not want to do that cause it will take about 3 days to redownload the game and I really don't want to do that.

  • Did you maybe set a +debug launch option in Steam? To check that, rightclick on RW in your Steam lib -> Properties -> General -> see launch options at the very bottom ;)

    If the +debug launch option is set, a black cmd window will pop up on game start containing all output from the game (similar to the game debug window, which is enabled by the "game_debug_console" config setting), but also contains additional information from the game start (which isn't accessible for the game debug window).

    To get rid of the black cmd window, just remove the +debug launch option from Steam :)

  • I do not have that set. :( nore any options set there. It sounds like what is happening though. is there a launch command to set a particular java version like with the server? As I have mentioned, the game did start before I even installed java on my rig. I check for other versions, and it only shows the java 8 I installed. and the java uninstaller only shows the 1 version installed. I can uninstall java 8 and the game still starts in the same manner as with the java installed.

  • after trying to add the +debug to start options, starting the game, stopping game, removing the +debug, and starting the game without java installed, the game starts with the black console window and starts and plays. I install java 8, and know it is supposed to be the only version on the rig, there is no change, the black console opens, the game starts and runs, with or without the +debug command set in the launch options. in both cases the black console remains open.

  • Hmm... that's weird :wat: The installed Java version on the machine basically doesn't matter btw when it comes to the game, because the game is shipped with its own JVM (only the dedicated server uses the system JVM).

    Maybe try this: Go to the game directory and run the "risingworldx64.exe" directly. Does the command prompt still show up? If it's no longer showing up, it's caused by Steam, if it still shows up, something else must be responsible for this :thinking:

  • it still happens. but I went poking around and what I am seeing at the beginning of the black terminal looks like the log file. there is more information showed in the console other than the log file though. Maybe I should delete the java folder then validate files and redownload them?

  • But it is still the "black" console window (not the "white" debugging console of the game, when game_debug_console in the config is enabled)?

    But in this case it's most likely not related to Steam... is there a file called "args.txt" in your game directory? Such a file can be used to provide additional launch options to the JVM. If there is such a file, please try to remove it and see if the console window still shows up.

    If it's still there, there may be a global Java option set up anywhere. They're usually defined in a global _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. To find out if an environment variable is set, you could launch the windows command prompt (press Win key + R and enter "cmd"), then enter echo %_JAVA_OPTIONS%. If options are set, they will be printed to console (otherwise you will just see "%_JAVA_OPTIONS%" there)

  • Interesting. I got the bright idea to rename the java folder to javaold and then copied the new java 8 folder into the game and renamed it java and started the game. The console still appeared as it has been all along but it did say I was using version 361 so I figure we can rule out a problem with java now. it is somewhere else. I swear all I did was copy the game over to the new comp. This has never happened in all the times I have done a rebuild.

  • well, I have done some more work on this problem and have found nothing to be wrong with the game itself. Sence, I have steam and RW installed on a remote drive, it was easy to just plug it into my other comp that things run correctly on and start steam and RW and everything worked properly. so, this removes the problem from the game and places it in my OS on my new machine. Now to figure out where the setting is, LOL, it figures. At least the game runs well, as I said, the problem doesn't really interfere with anything, it is just annoying. Also, I found another java game that does the same thing. Sorry to bother and if you have any ideas on where to go now, I would appreciate the help.

  • I must admit I have no idea where this window is coming from :thinking::/ I haven't seen that before... you could try to check if there is any other environment variable set which may be responsible for that. To do that, open the command prompt again (Win key + R and enter "cmd") and type set - this lists all environment variables. Is there any suspicious environment variable that may be related to Java?

    But probably you'll only see "JAVA_HOME" there which should point to the directory of your Java installation.

  • Well, I tried the set command and found mention of java in my program files (x86)/common folder. I also found an orickle folder with a java folder in it. both java folders just held a java.exe javaw.exe and a javaws.exe in them. I decided to rename both base files and then started the game. The game started and no terminal window accompanying it. BOOYAH!!!! well after I shut the game down I decided to rename the 2 base file back to what they were. I had a little trouble getting RW to start again but now it is starting without the terminal opening. I have no idea what I did but it seems to be fixed for now. I HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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