Law enforcement, crime and services

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
  • After release a fun idea would be to add Law enforcement NPCs and the ability for players to be cops as well. The Admins could create a set of Laws for the world and the NPCs would enforce them. An example would be, the law is don't break this block and someone breaks it, a few seconds later a group of NPCs attempt to arrest the player. If the player fights back the cops attack. If the player is killed he respawns. If he is arrested the cops place him in a prison cell for a set amount of time like 1 day in game or more. The player then has 3 choices serve out his term, try to escape or suicide. For the players who chose to be cops they are given missions and are sent out with NPCs to apprehend the criminals. These criminals could be players or NPCs, the NPCs could be anything from a bank robber to a murderer. There could also be a ranking system with detective at the top. Detectives attempt to salve crimes. Players could also be bank robbers or murderers.

    Along with law enforcement there could be a fire department and hospital with ambulances. Both would be run by NPCs and players. Of course all this would have to be built by the players. An idea for this would be both a way to designate buildings and floor plans for these buildings. The floor plan would create a ghost building where the player places a block where the ghost is until the building is done. The player could also assign NPCs to build the structure.

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