Cant pick up items from my own dead body

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  • red51 I've been helping lozzy with this issue. Cannot identify what is causing it and only person I know who has this issue.

    Specs: Ryzen 5600 | GTX 1050 Ti | 1440x900 native resolution | Windows 11 Pro | 8GB Ram

    the round circle - 3 dot icon does not come up nor can she access body inventory. interesting enough, the icons for benches and all other objects work. Just the body inventory 3 dot icon never comes up with her own body or animals. Holding F on body does not work.

    things we tried. Fresh install of Rising World. Latest Nvidia driver. Enabled maximum performance mode enabled. 60Hz refresh monitor and 75 Hz (monitor max) same problem. She averages 70 FPS on medium settings.

    Tried single player game, problem exists there as well (eliminating server or MP issue).

    Disabled GeForce Experience overlay and Steam VR overlay -- no dice.

    re-checked integrity of game files, all clear, no fault found.

    I tried running 1440x900 on my personal PC to see if it was a resolution/render issue, works fine for me.

    We are at a loss. Can you think of anything else that may cause this?

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Hmm... that's really weird :thinking: I must admit I haven't seen this issue before... AFAIK the physics engine (PhysX) may cause problems if any physical elements are way too far away from origin (this may result in racasting and certain collisions no longer working), but that's unlikely in this case... I could imagine an item or dead body falling through the ground for some reason (and keep falling indefinitely), but that wouldn't explain why you're never able to loot a body (not even in singleplayer).. and it would also cause other physics issues (collisions no longer working etc)...

    I received the reports about the issue (thanks for that btw!), but unfortunately there was nothing suspicious in the logs... if the 3 dot icon doesn't even show up when looking at the body, it's definitely not a serverside issue.

    It sounds like this issue always happens when trying to loot a dead body (and also happens for dead animals)? Are you able to pick up items from the ground?

    What happens if you try to hit a dead player or animal with your pickaxe? Does the game recognize the hit, or do you just hit the ground beneath the body then?

    Does your character collide with the dead body? What happens if you try to walk over the body, does it actually have some "mass" (i.e. does it feel like a heavy object, so you can't just walk through it)? Or can you push it away with ease?

  • What happens if you try to hit a dead player or animal with your pickaxe? Does the game recognize the hit, or do you just hit the ground beneath the body then?

    Does your character collide with the dead body? What happens if you try to walk over the body, does it actually have some "mass" (i.e. does it feel like a heavy object, so you can't just walk through it)? Or can you push it away with ease?

    lozzy101 can you elaborate on these questions? red51 yes it happens on dead animals too, the 3dot menu never comes up to loot. Everything else seems to work fine however, just looting bodies. Never seen anyone else having this issue, even remoted into her PC to check a few things. Very weird indeed.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • i can pick up from dead animals and pick up lose objects of ground its more so players and my own body, the body moves iff i bump into it natural physics, i can hit a body but cant destroy it. animal corpses i can loot if i have a knife . the corpses move slow unless in water . no dots apear on dead bodys only living, corpses nothing i just use kniofe action on animals to loot

    1. only hapopens on player bodys animal bodys dont apear with dots but able to loot with a knife
    2. body heavy as a truck in moving exept in water
    3. i can hit the bodys and animal bodys but wont destroy it
    4. i cant walk through the bodys
    5. i cant pick up inventory from a dead body weather its me or some one else
    6. looting seems to be the issue
  • Thanks for the feedback Juggernaut and lozzy101 ! It's good to know that you can still interact with animal bodies (and that other collisions also work as intended apparently), so it's extremely unlikely that it's the physics issue I've mentioned above (objects far from origin messing up the physics engine) :thinking:

    It's a weird issue... the only thing we could do now is adding a new debug command to print more information about the dead bodies into the log file. We will add a debugcorpses command with the next update. Once the update is ready (probably in a few days), please try this: Type the debugcorpses command into console (no specific permissions etc required) before the target player (the one you want to loot) dies (which could also be your own body ofc), then wait until the player is dead (or commit suicide) and try to loot the corpse. Probably it still won't work, but then please send another report while looking at the particular corpse (it will contain more information about the corpse state and about what happened to the corpse before).

    Sorry for not having a better solution atm :/

  • Thanks for the report! But it looks like the "debugcorpse" command was entered after the player died? Unfortunately the log won't provide more information then :/

    Maybe try it again, but type the command before the player you want to loot dies (or before committing suicide if you want to loot your own body). Then try to loot the body (it's important to try to look at the body), then maybe send another report :)

  • Ok so i am having this same issue with the latest version of Unity. I can not get the three dots on my body but can on animals body is also solid etc. I will try and do the debug corpse command when i can.

    My specs are: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics 3.90 GHz / Windows 11 Home/ 32 gb Ram

  • It's a weird issue... the only thing we could do now is adding a new debug command to print more information about the dead bodies into the log file. We will add a debugcorpses command with the next update. Once the update is ready (probably in a few days), please try this: Type the debugcorpses command into console (no specific permissions etc required) before the target player (the one you want to loot) dies (which could also be your own body ofc), then wait until the player is dead (or commit suicide) and try to loot the corpse. Probably it still won't work, but then please send another report while looking at the particular corpse (it will contain more information about the corpse state and about what happened to the corpse before).

    red51 Hi, I submitted a bug report and had my player (Remmy) do the same following these instructions. It appears the body I see, is 2 blocks from where she sees it. A sync issue of some sort. I am able to access body inventory, she is not able to (3 dot menu doesn't come up). Please let me know if there is anything else we can do to help. Thanks!!

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Thanks for your reports Remmy and Juggernaut :thumbup: It was actually quite helpful to receive reports from both of you at the same time, thanks! I was finally able to identify the issue - seems weird at first glance, but it happens if the "Sound Details" setting (in the Audio settings) is set to a lower value than "Default". The game then performs a small optimization by removing some specific collision handling for dead bodies (which is mainly used to play sound effects when the body collides with the ground), but unfortunately an unintended side-effect is that this also causes the player to ignore this collision while picking...

    Sorry for the hassle! We will fix this issue with the upcoming hotfix (which should be available very soon) :)

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