Is there an issue with lettuce?

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)
  • I notice when I find lettuce on the ground that it is no longer green but a red-orange type of color. When I pick it up it looks like this in the picture below...... Not sure if this was brought in with the latest update or something happening just on my end?

    Modded Rising World 2024

    Now running : 100 Player Game Server With My New Modded Rising World

  • I have modded the game slightly and in the case of lettuce added it to other biomes...but nothing more than that which would affect graphics.

    This is the lettuce on the ground. Have not had any other graphics issues in the game, just the lettuce.

    Modded Rising World 2024

    Now running : 100 Player Game Server With My New Modded Rising World

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