- German
- Sandboxgamer
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Wir wollten einst ein Enum dafür anlegen, aber die Namen könnten sich im Laufe der Zeit ggf. noch ändern... vll fügen wir ein Enum aber noch in Zukunft hinzu
Das hier ist unser internes enum in C# - die Namen kannst du i.Vm. der Funktion verwenden. Einige dieser Stats sind aber noch nicht implementiert, werden als noch nicht gezählt:
C#/// <summary> Number of killed players/npcs with an arrow over a distance of more than 100 blocks </summary>/// <summary> Number of killed players/npcs with an arrow over a distance of more than 200 blocks </summary>/// <summary> Number of killed players/npcs with an arrow not further away than 5 blocks (CQB) </summary>/// <summary> Number of killed players/npcs with a firearm over a distance of more than 100 blocks </summary>/// <summary> Number of killed players/npcs with a firearm over a distance of more than 200 blocks </summary>/// <summary> Number of killed players/npcs with a firearm not further away than 5 blocks (CQB) </summary>/// <summary> Maximum distance a shooting target was ever hit by this player (ranged weapon) </summary>/// <summary> How often was a bullseye at a shooting target hit over 100 blocks (ranged weapon) </summary>/// <summary> How often was a bullseye at a shooting target hit over 200 blocks (ranged weapon) </summary> -
is there an updated list for stats?
Gibt es eine aktualisierte Liste für Statistiken?
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