A great starter world seed # (please share your great world seed numbers)

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • So far this is my favorite world. I generate it without caves.
    You start in a small enclosed sheltered valley and over a shore rise it opens to a wide valley area , Beyond that is a dense forest.

    The seed # for this world is 177051255136435

    Set to no caves and creative mode.

  • 389982143520592 starts you in a very small valley but with room enough to set up your initial little base; mine has all crafting stations on a platform of stone, apple and lemon trees, and a variety of crops. Perfect for first base, protected and rich in ores to the south end.
    Leave going north brings you into a much bigger valley, with plenty of room to build a huge farm, and a short walk east takes you into Savannah.
    I have only found 2 caves so far (only a few hours into the game); one is just a chasm, the other is so full of holes to drop in I'm steering well clear for now. But I have masses more ores than I need just from the south of the little valley.

  • 3795019582947432 offers a great start location in a small valley with a couple of eater holes and steep walls. Nearby biomes include: high lands forest, grasslands, beach (nearby), maple forest and cold biome

  • 864372833329348

    I built my house in an amazing spot, a slight hill by the beach with a great sunset over the bay.

    You spawn just a bit inland. There's a beach in the distance around 60 degrees left from the sun (south..ish). You should be able to see it from the spawning position if your rendering distance is high enough. Walk in that direction until you reach the beach (not far). You should see mountains to the left. I found the best spot to be between the mountains and the bay. Just walk south (left when you face the ocean) between the grass and the sand until you reach the highest grass area. If you wait for a while you should see the sunset over the bay. It's gorgeous! No drinkable water there though (you can't drink salt water). I satisfy my thirst with tomatoes. If you're desperate for water, there are a few water holes just around the corner of the mountain if you follow north right next to the mountain base. But other than that, you're close to everything. Plenty of different plants nearby (different biomes at short distance). There's even a desert with pyramids not too far north along the coast which I recommend you to explore after you settle in.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that I created the world without caves. Everything else is default. Not sure what it will be like with caves.

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