seems areas created using the api always returns the same areaId
both methods return same id for api areas until the sp game/server is restarted
, areas created with creative mode return the correct areaId.
seems areas created using the api always returns the same areaId
both methods return same id for api areas until the sp game/server is restarted
, areas created with creative mode return the correct areaId.
also if i list areas before restart with an api created area i get a game crash!
That's weird, I'll take a closer look at this issue Thanks for the log!
With restart, do you mean an actual server restart? Or reloading the plugins via "reloadplugins" or "rp" command?
That's weird, I'll take a closer look at this issue
Thanks for the log!
With restart, do you mean an actual server restart? Or reloading the plugins via "reloadplugins" or "rp" command?
the reloadplugins command has no effect, i have to restart the actual server,game for sp for it to work if it would help i can get you a cleaner log
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