Unity - Blueprint Creating while Selecting

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  • Hello, Red51.

    My issue is with the way blueprints are highlighted using the voxels causing everything to be sideways. I've build my builds going against the grid to which the blueprint is all crazy.

    While trying to save my Yura-themed train I noticed the blueprints following the grid. Can it please be more free-ranged by actually following your avatar to then go wherever you desire? It's hard to save your builds when they're compact, unaligned by the grid, and etc. I was forced to save a roadway in one of my blueprints. I refused to build in creative mode, I wanted to build it via survival mode, cleaning it up in creative mode after creating 2 versions.

    I hope there is a better way to handle blueprints.

    Secondly, when creating blueprints in survival it directs you to the blueprint table. It doesn't have an option to create one (from what I've seen), only when it's next to your crafting bench. Give the blueprint table a blueprint creating option. I'm aware I could simply shuffle my crafting bench, though for future Quality of Life tweaks this needs to be looked into.

    1) Misaligned blueprint selection (follows grid, not the build)

    2) Blueprint crafting issues.

  • Blueprint selection is indeed bound to the grid :/ We could remove the grid snapping (so you could select the area with higher precision), but it would still be aligned to the grid (i.e. you couldn't rotate the selection area)... changing that unfortunately opens a whole new can of worms :| On the one hand, terrain selection would be problematic (because the terrain is always bound to the grid), and on the other hand, it would introduce issues when placing the blueprints (especially when not using the default "Blueprint Pivot Point" setting in the misc settings)...

    We would have to tinker with that a bit... maybe we could add a hidden option for that, not sure about that :thinking:

    Secondly, when creating blueprints in survival it directs you to the blueprint table. It doesn't have an option to create one (from what I've seen), only when it's next to your crafting bench. Give the blueprint table a blueprint creating option. I'm aware I could simply shuffle my crafting bench, though for future Quality of Life tweaks this needs to be looked into.

    It's probably going to be a bit difficult if the blueprint menu also has an option to craft a blueprint... but basically the crafting bench doesn't need to be in your proximity, it's sufficient if you just open up the crafting menu while a blueprint table is nearby (the default key for the crafting menu is E, but it can also be accessed from your inventory) ;)

  • red51

    Added the Label English

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