Water and thirst

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  • im thinking for the thirst thing make people able to craft a stone bowl or wooden bucket that can be used at ponds (have to atleast have feet in water to use. to gather water that could be boiled to sanitize it (dont wanna drink bear pee right?)

    Also thinking to make a spear
    spear can be used to learn to fish, with a chance to fail of course.
    fish can be fried over a fire or if a hunting knife is used cut into strips for sushi or sashimi or other more advanced recipies
    Making of sashimi or sushi should require a small bamboo cutting board or bamboo rolling mat

  • I am sure we will have buckets etc for water. And for certain water sources need to boil the water (some ponds can really make you sick).

    Spear, yes! But I would want the fishing to be like Stranded Deep. Not a... thrust spear into apparently empty water and have a chance at catching a fish you never saw. I hope for fish in the water which you actually need to spear.

    Considering the modern style in the game. I don't see why we couldn't make sushi. But that should be an advanced cooking skill. And need more then a hunting knife ;)

    Bamboo rolling mat, and seaweed! Rice. Avocado. etc etc

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Wooden cups, canteens, bamboo liquid storage (yes, it's a thing), buckets, water jerry cans, wine barrels, liquid storage vehicles, liquid storage cars for trains, and etc. I hope even glass and plastic bottles are a thing or considered.

    Spears sounds awesome to cook over a camp fire (fireplace sounds weird) with fish on it. I approve of this and would make use of this, if implemented nicely. I approve of the "Stranded Deep" thoughts here.

    And seeing as how the food recipies shall end up being more complex with more patches I'd actually assume sushi would be in. Why not? If we can consider donuts, beer, coffee, and tea then sushi would make sense. Not to push the developers to hard, just that it's something we spoil ourselves with, if with the right friends and co-workers and such. I'm curious to see how complex and detailed these recipes shall become because people shall find themselves living a Second Life in this game instead of in that silly MMO and all that :thumbsup:

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