For the website.

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  • I like that as soon as you load the main page of the website (not the forum), it shows some screens from in game. Currently there is just some landscape and a few animals.

    I would suggest that some buildings be shown. Show a simple camp site. Show a modern structure. Along with the wilds and animals... I want to see some stuff the devs have made!! Or, go the easy route and use community builds. :P If devs want, people could post screens here of a certain size and file type if you like. But I would prefer to see dev builds. :)

    Just a thought to update the site a bit.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I think community screens would be even better, since there are some really awesome buildings out there. But for the dev pics, I suggest just the 2 pics with the planks in the steam store, they are very simple, but still very nice. And because of that, it shows how powerful the building system are in RW.

  • lmao.. I hadn't seen the pics they put up on Steam. Well hell.. just add those to the site!! But yeah it would be nice to use some community screens. I think people will really dig that. ;)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • We could do a contest where people can vote for some days on submitted pics, if red would like that. And those screens would then be added to the site. Would make picking screens faster (and maybe avoid drama :P) for you, @red51

  • Need to quench that curiosity so I'd approve of adding more images onto the website.

    1) Developer builds section - Populated by images devs themselves have built during testing, both complex and not.
    2) Community Build - Things we submit through votings and all that to add happily appear on there.
    3) Dev Picks - Devs themselves pick and choose what they find awesome to share on both the site and steam to drag people in, just like that transportation topic of what people have built so far. The more fancy the builds the more likely people will join up.

    I'd say 1 & 3 would work best on the dev side if they want to keep things simplified, though they could use Steam's screenshot tab to do the talking. For the website I would lean more on 1 & 3 with 2 as an occassional bonus.

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