Work with water

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  • Hi! i have some issues trying to work with water. My first problem is that I can't place the water at a precise height and the second is that the water is black like in a bear's ass. Water is more like oil.

    Could anyone give me a tip for this?:thinking: Would be nice if they add water as a building material for the water static, would be eazyer to work with...

  • Oh yes and the static water is only supported by the soil and not the blocks. i wonder why..

    What do you mean with not supported?

    It's possible to place water on the ground and on blocks. But the water is depending on the grid or block alignment, i. e. the tool must be flush with the edge and the container size. For swimming pools it is easier to align them accurately with a blueprint. This works for a square pool but Unfortunately not with a round fountain, not really.

    For the oil, hm. You could use colored lights, hiddenand gravel as a substrate.

    One day we'll get water blocks.ä, it's planned. ^^

  • What do you mean with not supported?

    I mean that the water (when not static) pass trough the blocks and reach the world ground. and the water, when i place it, does'nt look like the water in the world. the water is pitch black and i cant see trough. I will try the colored light. For your blueprint tric, i cant use it because its in a room allready made so... water blocks will be really helpfull nice to know that they will add it.

  • I just tried something else. I decided to make my fountain a bit upper( so your blueprint tric) to make it look more full... BUT THIS! is kicking me in the nuts XD i will wait for the water blocks i guess XD the pitch black water was caused to my graph options i found it.


  • the black colour of the water is definitely not normal. maybe something with the settings?

    water works like natural terrain. if you have the water tool selected you can use the return/enter-key to set the max height. everything below that will be filled with water. or if you want to take away, everything above will be deleted.

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