rivers, ponts and lakes with typical flora&fauna

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  • There could be beautiful unique nature sights like:

    -ponts with brown/greenish water, water lilies, reed at the shore and frogs&dragonflies. (dont drink it before boiling)

    in every biom should be water sources with its own unique characteristicas:

    in the savana brown water holes, (if you drink it not boiled, it makes you sick.)

    In the desert oases with palm trees and bushes

    In the tundra and other snowy areas frozen lakes

    So these water sources are there to drink from it directly or after boiling it on fire to make it consumable.

    Water from he ocean is salty and even increases the thirst.

    Beside these water ponts&lakes with reed should be also rivers, which start at a spring and flows into the ocean. Inside the rivers are round stones different sizes called riverbed. You can also drink from rivers without boiling it.

  • Funmichi

    Changed the title of the thread from “rivers, ponts and lakes and water supply” to “rivers, ponts and lakes as water supply”.
  • i'm fairly certain inland water features like these as well as the distinction between fresh and salt water are already planned

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    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

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  • This would make the game more fun because it is a more detailed survival aspect in the survival mode.

    Also water sources like rivers, springs, lakes and ponts with its own plants and animals would make the game so much more interesting and beautiful.

    And please add fishing like in the Java version! BUT you can see the fishes and where they swim that you can fish where fishes are.

  • Funmichi

    Changed the title of the thread from “rivers, ponts and lakes as water supply” to “rivers, ponts and lakes with typical flora&fauna”.
  • I love rivers, ponds and lakes with typical flora & fauna. It was a feature that was almost ready in Java, or was just a promise in an old forum. I also wish for rivers that are deep, rocky, full of life, and to get that view in the game without the mode GM1, I think that Squirt Boating can view the water the best.

    Hidden temples/ ruins under the water will need to be found, the graphics now make water look amazing with the flora, and exploring it is a must when fauna is in all waters! Scuba diving is expensive, in real life and maybe in game, so Squirt boating is boating under the water. Lol. I just learned about it. See link below on what it is.

    Squirt Boating: The Wettest Form of Kayaking (Video) - Paddling Magazine

  • Just having the ability to move water (like with a bucket) to fill the trough, barrel or a well would be major improvement.

    Having separate waters sources (lakes as opposed to the sea) be at different levels would huge. Imagine being able to create a canal with locks and a pump system to raise and lower the level! If we can have a drawbridge we could have a lock---same sort of thing.

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