ooo not painting fully to create a pattern, that's clever!
Posts by AlphaGodith
A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
i was having this issue with potatoes, and at least in my case it seemed to be due to the ground not being perfectly flat, but i spoke to red about it so he is looking into it!
just so you know, people are more likely to download and react to your blueprint if you also include pictures of it in your post. (it's also required as per the rules; Rules / Regeln)
my german is terrible, huh XD i just didn't want to impose with english when the thread specifically says german ^^;
it's okay, it's so small here it's easy to miss entirely anyway, not really a part of your build. but thankyou! it really makes me happy to see people getting use out of it (especially with dummy npcs being a thing)!
and your skull sculpture is really cool, you aren't bad at all! it's also cool cuz i don't think i've ever seen someone post a TERRAIN blueprint specifically. it's a very good idea, i wonder if i could do something with it too...
es zieht sehr toll aus!
und ich sehe meine... Schaufensterpuppe? ich konnte das wort nicht finden, wann ich hatte das blueprint gemacht. ich habe es jezt korrigiert!
Persistent item placing makes games more immersive and exiting, because a base full of chests filled with items is boring.
I don't like faking things btw .
i do like immersion and dislike faking things, i'm definitely looking forward to this feature, it just doesn't seem like it adds as much gameplay value as some of the other features.
like i imagine when it becomes a thing i'll have a single fun evening decorating my home but after that, i probably won't touch it again. meanwhile gates and new biomes and fishing are things i can explore and play with quite a lot.
i'm quite surprised about how many people are choosing persistent item placement. is there something i'm missing about it that people want it for? i thought it was pretty easy to make fake items with blueprints, and to put chests for storage in the cabinets, so it didn't seem like that exciting of a feature compared to the others...
I did choose clothing. Running around in underwear or furcoat will not promote the game. A second thing is third person view. I did miss that on the survey. But if that's add to the game it will be important that the movements of the avatar are not that clumsy; it's like we don't have a spine
ah yeah, i always prefer first person so i failed to consider it, but i've heard a lot of people get motion sickness this way so third person would make the game more accessible to others, which is definitely important.
as for clothes, i get what you're saying, but for me personally it just doesn't add as much gameplay interest/potential as actual activities like fishing or new building options. i definitely want to be able to further customize my character with clothes, but it doesn't increase my playtime.
Personally, I would be most excited about item placement and movable structures.
definitely not alone on either of those. personally i'm more excited about custom moving structures, cuz i REALLY love windmills and waterwheels and would like more options for doors to match my houses instead of having to match my houses to the available doors, and while i definitely will enjoy placeable items, i can get by with storage chests and blueprint versions of items for decoration in the meantime.
Other: Trains
ah right i should have included advanced tech and vehicles as an option... i'm a primitive survival focused player so i forgot about these. my bad!
Such surveys have been done several times in the past and what's the point of asking again and again.
some of us don't watch the forums every day and haven't seen these other threads. also i imagine as things get added, the list of options gets shorter, so answers change. what's the point of asking a thread why it exists?
it's so hard to decide that i gave the poll the option for two votes per person XD just curious what other people think.
i know this is an old thread, but they're still lovely houses and the first one has an issue for me that i'm wondering if it's just due to differences between java and unity or if the blueprint was a little too small- the bottom/back of the fireplace is missing?
edited the materials to take advantage of the recent update that made terrain stone a usable texture, no more trying to match it with paint XD
now with actual snow texture instead of white plaster, these versions will fit in much better on the cold biome islands!
been wanting to make one of these almost since i first started playing the new version, but the time and repetitive details necessary to make a ship like this really daunted me. now tho, with all the new shapes that just got added, i finally did it (thanks so much red!)! it's got way fewer individual blocks than the more realistic and interior-having ships, so it shrank way better and shouldn't be intensive on graphics cards to look at. i hope y'all like it!
also included the shipless bottle (with stand) and bottle-less ship (at the scale i originally built it at, so quite large) so you can put your own ships in the bottle and/or play with the ship by itself!
oh and keep in mind if you place it and the stuff inside the glass isn't displaying correctly, you may need to axe the glass and then use the command 'undo' in the console, one piece at a time (there's like 4 so it's not much) so that it will render correctly.
ooo maybe this is for the 'dungeon' update? ;D looks good!
doch es gibt baby wildscheine im neuen game... hab sie bei mir mit im zoo drin
i just haven't happened to see the boar piglets in the wild personally.
When it comes to wild animals, there are indeed already baby versions of wild boars ("wildpiglet"), bears ("bearcub"), deers ("deercalf") and mooses ("moosecalf"). For upcoming wolves, we have also prepared a wolf cub
Unfortunately we don't have baby version of the safari animals, but that's on our to-do list
yeah flowing water is something red wants to add at some point, but it's probably rather complicated and not high on the priority list.
what do you mean? the only textures on posters are the image you apply or the blank canvas when it has no image yet, that is kind of important so you can see where it is to use it... an invisible poster wouldn't be helpful to anyone.