command ban

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  • Hi all

    for a server

    I want to ban a player online or offline

    when I do ban name duration and message it always says not found

    However when I do playerinfo steam uid indicates the right names

    I do it on the console command

    text command

    ban name -1 messageban

    not working thanks for your help

  • I think this is only possible if the player is Online.
    For Offline players man would have to enter this Manually in the database

    How Urgent is this?
    You can to Updates from Red to wait or do you Need the Zeitieger?

  • To ban a player that is online, just use the regular ban command ban <name/uid> <duration> [reason], e.g. "ban Testplayer -1 Griefing is not allowed" (to ban a player "Testplayer" permanently with the reason "Griefing is not allowed"). Instead of the player name, you can also use the UID (which is usually better).

    To ban a player that is currently offline, you have to use the command offlineban instead, e.g. "offlineban 76561197960265720 -1 Griefing is not allowed"

  • Oh, that's weird :wat: Basically the game shouldn't distinguish between regular bans and offline bans (because the game only checks the UID anyway)... do you mind sending me a server log (from when you tried to join the server despite being banned)? Feel free to send it via PM to me :)

  • Sorry for my late response, but thanks for the log! :) It looks like there is unfortunately a bug with permanent bans... as a workaround, you could set a very high duration instead of -1, that should work then (but don't provide a value greater than 2,000,000,000, because that would be considered a permanent ban then).

    Alternatively you could also create a blacklist: to do that, create a new file "blacklist.txt" in the server directory and enter the UIDs you want to ban (one UID per line). Then open the file and set Server_UseBlacklist to true. Now when starting the server, you should see a line "SERVER BLACKLIST ENABLED" in the console (or log), followed by every blacklisted UID (one per line).

  • thank red51 you for your info I like the blacklist txt file better

    everything works for ban thank you very much

    thank you for your info I like the blacklist txt file better

    everything works for ban thank you very much

    p.s I never noticed setting blacklist it is noted:thumbup::thumbup::D:D

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