How to Localize a Language

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  • If you're referring to the new version, the language files are stored as .json files in the "Data/StreamingAssets/Languages" folder. To create a new language, you can create a new file there. It's recommendable to just clone the en.json file and rename it to the new language (e.g. "fr.json" for French, "es.json" for Spanish etc).

    To use the new language then, you can change the "Game_Language" value in the file (either enter the full name or the language code), e.g. "French" or "fr" etc. ;)

  • Just to avoid confusion: you can change the language of course, but right now the game is only shipped with English and German localization - so if you want to change the language to Polish (just enter pl in the file), you will also have to add a Polish localization file to the "Data/StreamingAssetes/Languages" folder (called pt.json, which contains the localized words) :)

  • Call me oldie, but I wouldn't trust at all to translation, which is made with AI. If you want to make 100% accurate translation, you have to learn original language with your own native tongue, because same word has usually several meanings. I doubt that there are active people from 34 different countries, which are making accurate translation to every data name, there is in this game. Of course you can put just with Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V text to computer and it will translate some of the text right, sure, but the outcome will be a parody. You just can't translate words / sentences with AI with every language.

    That more, I appreciate people, who are willing to do everything manually, via hard work.

  • You're right. There are words that have several meanings. But for most Polish players I think this translation will be understandable. I spent many hours on this translation because I read every word and sentence. I could have made a mistake somewhere. It can be corrected without a problem.

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