⁉️Urgently Testers Wanted👀

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • What needed testing?

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • What needed testing?

    Alles gut, es ging um Automatische Chat Übersetzung, aber habe es eingestellt, dar die Übersetzungs Qualitä einfach noch nicht so gut ist das man Welt weit in einem Chat schreiben könnte.
    Deswegen habe ich das wieder geschlossen, hätte es gerne gelöscht, ging aber nicht.


    All is well, it went to Automatic Chat Translation, but I have it set that represents the Translation quality-just not so good is that you could write the world in a Chat.

    That's why I closed the back, it would have been deleted like to, but did not.

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