Red...... Asian Languages Do Not Appear In New Rising World

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  • Hi Red

    In the last 3 weeks I have been working on adding 12 new languages to Rising World ....

    One thing I noticed is that when testing the Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean those languages do not appear in Rising World and you see no text at all.

    Is this an easy fix?


    Modded Rising World 2024

    Now running : 100 Player Game Server With My New Modded Rising World

  • Just going to add my unsolicited two cents into this since I was looking it up before and since I'm the one that suggested Asian language translations.

    ASCII and ACSII-Extended aren't large enough character sets to support Asian languages, to a lesser extent some other languages can be effected as well.

    Dynamic and Unicode works, but usually draws on the os installed fonts, which could be a problem depending on the os and if the end user customized which ones were installed or not.

    Google NOTO font family covers all of the different languages when used with the dynamic character set, but to include the full NOTO font family would add a bit over 1gb to the game size.


    Two more unsolicited cents, Personally I think it's worth taking the time to make the font settings changes and even seriously considering merging these translations directly into the game at some point with a gui language setting option.. Multi-language support would definitely be a boost of appeal on the store page when the Unity version replaces the java version.


    PS: RunAndHideGamer if you want me to delete this message and stay out of your business, just let me know.

  • RunAndHideGamer

    Changed the title of the thread from “Asian Languages Do Not Appear In New Rising World” to “Red...... Asian Languages Do Not Appear In New Rising World”.

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