Ping Perfect Server is losing connection several times a day since the update

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  • Hi Red

    I have a multiplayer server where we have around 11 people going on the server at different times of the day......

    For the last several days the server has lost connection when other people arrive on the server.....

    For example I was on the server for a couple of hours without any connection loss... Then someone arrived and withing 10 minutes we lost the server and I had to reboot it so we could get back on.

    Ping Perfect have looked at it and cant work out why this is happening.

    I looked at the log file and saw this ...not sure if this is what is causing the problem.

    [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198133853136) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled

    that number 765...... is my admin number. Is there an issue there?

    I do have a modified definitions.db which modified the way the biomes look and this file has no problem when I play single player.

    Do people going to my server read the definitions.db file on the server or on their computer?

    Am attaching the definitions.db file below

    Tables modified were biomes, biomes_npcs, and npcs.

    Following is the rest of the logfile for that session.

    azer (DbID: 4, UID: 76561198374136101 element: 520083(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 4) @ chunk 29 1 122 (939.07, 91.44, 3917.14)SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants![Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 8803 npcs in database (26 ms)Object chest2 (767398) change status 0 -> 1[DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbStoring 2 chunks...[DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbObject chest2 (767398) change status 1 -> 0[DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbSERVER: Updated 2 growing plants![Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 155 npcs in database (1 ms)[DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbCreate new JNIEnv (handle: 1289934891360, thread: 21)[DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 225 npcs in database (3 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbSERVER: Updated 2 growing plants![Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 8826 npcs in database (23 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbWorldPart (1, 7) generated (19 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[09:04 01:31:35] RemoveVegetation: RunAndHideGamer (DbID: 1, UID: 76561198133853136 element: 1633141(type: 225, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 404 0 -286 (12942.5, 93.03, -9143.5)[DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants![Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[ENET SERVER] Client 1 disconnected ([01:31:46] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected)[01:31:46] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected)[01:31:46] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 DISCONNECTEDServer end player auth (76561198374136101, Steam)END STEAM AUTH: 76561198374136101[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 160 npcs in database (1 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants![DB] Saved 199 npcs in database (1 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 8820 npcs in database (24 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbSERVER: Updated 3 growing plants![DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 187 npcs in database (1 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbWorldPart (24, -19) generated (15 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbSERVER: Updated 3 growing plants![Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 8828 npcs in database (23 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[09:04 01:33:37] DestroyVegetation: RunAndHideGamer (DbID: 1, UID: 76561198133853136 element: 1633561(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 402 0 -290 (12892.5, 94.03, -9257.5)[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants![DB] Saved 163 npcs in database (1 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[09:04 01:33:57] RemoveVegetation: RunAndHideGamer (DbID: 1, UID: 76561198133853136 element: 1633545(type: 225, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 403 0 -290 (12902.5, 96.09, -9261.5)DISPOSE SECTOR 0 0[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants![DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms)[09:04 01:34:05] RemoveVegetation: RunAndHideGamer (DbID: 1, UID: 76561198133853136 element: 1633546(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 403 0 -290 (12902.5, 96.13, -9257.5)[DB] Saved 230 npcs in database (1 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbSERVER: Updated 3 growing plants![DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants![DB] Saved 8800 npcs in database (26 ms)[STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198133853136) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants![DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 138 npcs in database (1 ms)[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants![DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants![Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event:[Java] -> Event: 1 plugins!Starting RW Dedicated Server...Starting 8 server chunk worker threads...Starting 1 server water worker threads (update: 0.1, sync: 0.5)...Server bind to IP:[ENET SERVER] Create Server IP: Port: 4255 Clients: 256Init server platform (Steam)Set environment variable to 324080[S_API] GameServer.Init(3232322917, 4255, 4254, eServerModeAuthentication, 202409021)Register Steam message hook...Server SteamID: 90071992547409920 (0)[Masterlist] Start pingInitialized server (596 ms)Create Public Webserver IP: Port: 4254Add Prefix: /Add Prefix: /infoAdd Prefix: /playerlistAdd Prefix: /images/headerInitialized webserver (2 ms)Establishing connection...[Masterlist] Returned OK. IP ->[STEAM] Server connected, public IP -> server is ready! (2.405 s)[ENET SERVER] Client 0 connect ([01:35:37] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CONNECTED ([01:35:37] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected)[01:35:37] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (Run And Hide Gamer, 76561198133853136,[AuthenticatePlayer] - 01:35:37:777 - 76561198133853136 RunAndHideGamer [20, 0, 0, 0, 115, 241, 76, 104, 229, 34, 237, 219, 208, 187, 88, 10, 1, 0, 16, 1, 247, 9, 216, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 235, 209, 203, 15, 169, 237, 247, 178, 60, 58, 254, 22, 68, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 208, 187, 88, 10, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 87, 83, 119, 193, 75, 60, 21, 172, 0, 0, 0, 0, 233, 249, 210, 102, 105, 169, 238, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 111, 102, 30, 12, 134, 143, 78, 159, 33, 224, 11, 187, 216, 90, 73, 129, 119, 184, 246, 153, 163, 140, 135, 218, 51, 127, 152, 216, 90, 34, 160, 165, 160, 191, 86, 97, 94, 62, 22, 179, 219, 198, 31, 40, 174, 159, 108, 72, 8, 214, 191, 114, 84, 170, 40, 52, 83, 88, 103, 159, 79, 93, 245, 50, 141, 168, 22, 101, 92, 175, 226, 193, 115, 147, 214, 101, 55, 110, 241, 213, 134, 253, 135, 20, 229, 236, 93, 77, 224, 91, 113, 177, 205, 145, 110, 222, 213, 89, 75, 122, 54, 185, 82, 86, 152, 252, 84, 123, 213, 162, 51, 15, 127, 171, 179, 2, 177, 204, 200, 0, 206, 89, 79, 246, 227, 91, 227, 235][SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198133853136): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK[01:35:37] Client 0 (76561198133853136) fully authenticated!01:35:37:993 - PLAYER CONNECT: RunAndHideGamer (ID: 0)DB: Player 76561198133853136 exists in databaseLoaded 53 item stats from databaseCreate new JNIEnv (handle: 2286016428000, thread: 19)Inventory for player 1 exists!Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 0 from plugin WorldProtection (1)REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (2) FROM FILE: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png (EXT: png, CH: e5c1d555915cbbf3e06dbad7c4b01534)REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (3) FROM FILE: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png (EXT: png, CH: 4574993a7124924b02e8a56da8402d4f)REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (4) FROM FILE: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png (EXT: png, CH: d2737687091509bd2586658253fb1bf4)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.pngREGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (5) FROM FILE: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png (EXT: png, CH: efa179bbd6a205bb7df971dafa3591a3)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png[Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.pngSERVER: Send init spawn packet 9092 -> serialized 9092 npcs (9092)[STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198133853136) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2286008831840, thread: 29)Load sector from db (1, -2)Loaded 7140 caves from stored sector data...WorldPart (25, -18) generated (16 ms)WorldPart (26, -18) generated (16 ms)WorldPart (25, -19) generated (16 ms)WorldPart (25, -20) generated (16 ms)WorldPart (25, -17) generated (8 ms)WorldPart (24, -17) generated (8 ms)WorldPart (24, -18) generated (20 ms)WorldPart (24, -19) generated (15 ms)WorldPart (24, -20) generated (16 ms)WorldPart (23, -18) generated (19 ms)WorldPart (23, -19) generated (15 ms)WorldPart (26, -19) generated (15 ms)WorldPart (26, -20) generated (22 ms)Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2284260596480, thread: 17)Spawn npc ram at (12814.00, 125.81, -9362.00)Spawn npc ram at (12814.00, 124.56, -9348.00)Spawn npc sheep at (12807.00, 128.13, -9369.00)Spawn npc sheep at (12814.00, 125.53, -9355.00)Spawn npc goat at (12718.00, 137.72, -9234.00)Spawn npc billygoat at (12725.00, 135.66, -9227.00)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)Player RunAndHideGamer (0) spawned at (12892.86, 94.12, -9252.14)...[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.dbCreate new JNIEnv (handle: 2284254278448, thread: 20)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (1 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 9091 npcs in database (24 ms)[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (1 ms)[DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db[ENET SERVER] Client 0 disconnected ([01:37:23] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected)[01:37:23] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected)[01:37:23] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 DISCONNECTEDServer end player auth (76561198133853136, Steam)END STEAM AUTH: 76561198133853136Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2284254293408, thread: 18)[DB] Saved 9088 npcs in database (26 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9086 npcs in database (26 ms)[DB] Saved 2 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9088 npcs in database (26 ms)DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 2 npcs in database (1 ms)SERVER: Transform npc chick (791462) -> chicken (variant: 0)SERVER: Transform npc chick (791463) -> chicken (variant: 0)[DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9086 npcs in database (24 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 4 npcs in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 9086 npcs in database (24 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 8 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 4 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9092 npcs in database (23 ms)[DB] Saved 2 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 4 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9092 npcs in database (25 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 6 npcs in database (1 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 2 npcs in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 9090 npcs in database (26 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 6 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9092 npcs in database (24 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 8 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9090 npcs in database (23 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants!SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 8 npcs in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 9090 npcs in database (31 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 2 npcs in database (1 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 6 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9090 npcs in database (30 ms)SERVER: Transform npc chick (810791) -> chicken (variant: 0)[DB] Saved 9 npcs in database (1 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants!SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9089 npcs in database (23 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants!SERVER: Transform npc chick (819716) -> chicken (variant: 0)SERVER: Transform npc chick (819038) -> chicken (variant: 0)[DB] Saved 11 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9091 npcs in database (24 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 7 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Transform npc chick (821697) -> chicken (variant: 0)SERVER: Transform npc chick (821698) -> chicken (variant: 0)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 2 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9089 npcs in database (27 ms)[DB] Saved 7 npcs in database (1 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9087 npcs in database (24 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 6 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Transform npc chick (822638) -> chicken (variant: 0)SERVER: Transform npc chick (822642) -> chicken (variant: 0)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 7 npcs in database (0 ms)[DB] Saved 9089 npcs in database (24 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 4 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 5 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9091 npcs in database (23 ms)[DB] Saved 7 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 4 npcs in database (0 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 9089 npcs in database (26 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 5 npcs in database (1 ms)SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants![DB] Saved 4 npcs in database (0 ms)

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • The k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled indicates that the client terminated the connection while still connecting to the server. It could also occur if there is an issue with the Steam connection, but usually it's when the client terminates the connection.

    Unfortunately that log part you've posted is a bit difficult to read because it doesn't contain line breaks... do you mind sending me the full server log file (you don't have to post it here, feel free to send it via PM to me) ;)

    Also, if you lose connection to the server (or if any issues occur), maybe you could also send me a clientside report. To do that, just open the console when the happened and type "report" (maybe add some additional information about what happened) :)

  • Ist das, nicht das Problem? Die definitions.db wird doch nicht Syncroniesiert:wat:oder?

    That's not the Problem? The definitions.db is not yet magnetized Syncroni :wat: or?

    I had mentioned the file defintions.db because I had modified the file for the server...... I run the same modified file in single play and do not get thrown out of the game.

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • The k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled indicates that the client terminated the connection while still connecting to the server. It could also occur if there is an issue with the Steam connection, but usually it's when the client terminates the connection.

    Unfortunately that log part you've posted is a bit difficult to read because it doesn't contain line breaks... do you mind sending me the full server log file (you don't have to post it here, feel free to send it via PM to me) ;)

    Also, if you lose connection to the server (or if any issues occur), maybe you could also send me a clientside report. To do that, just open the console when the happened and type "report" (maybe add some additional information about what happened) :)

    Have sent the report to you........

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • Think I may be on track to finding out what is happening on the server... will report back.

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • Hey Red

    Re my server disconnecting multiple times a day.........

    Yesterday the server was saying this

    [DB] Saved 8800 npcs in database (26 ms)

    After which I the server threw us of with this error

    [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198133853136) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled

    I was talking to the ops of another multiplayer server and they said they have to delete the npcs ont their servers every 2 or 3 days as they numbers of npcs build up. They told me where to look for the number of npcs on my RunAndHide GamerServer

    Today it said I had 9992 npcs in the database.

    Yesterday according to the logs it was 9090 and the day before it was 8800

    So unless the npcs are deleted from the world they will build up.

    Not sure if this has any6thing to do with it but in the file is says when monsters bandits are killed in an area that after 30 seconds they respawn........

    I have changed the setting on my server to be 30 minutes not 30 seconds.

    I believe these are the lines in the file that need to be looked at. If I read that correct cooldown is 30 seconds.

    # Determines the cooldown until the game tries to respawn enemy npcs (monsters, bandits) in a chunk. Default: 30 (seconds)


    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • Please let's focus on a single topic (I just saw you've created another topic in the Steam forums) ^^

    Thanks for the reports! Nothing suspicious on clientside - according to the first log, you just get a timeout from the server (most likely because it crashed). As mentioned above, a server log would be helpful to see what's going on on the server ;)

    Alternatively you could start the server with the launch option -logFile serverlog.log -> this creates a separate "serverlog.log" file in the server directory which contains more information than the regular server log. If the server crashes, it would be helpful if you could send me the file :)

    Today it said I had 9992 npcs in the database.

    That's usually not a problem. Npcs spawn persistently, so they don't despawn automatically. It's not unusual that they build up over time. If counts are well over 100k, one could take into consideration to delete them (but I would only do that if you experience unusual npc-related issues, like npcs only reacting with massive delay etc).

    Not sure if this has any6thing to do with it but in the file is says when monsters bandits are killed in an area that after 30 seconds they respawn........

    I have changed the setting on my server to be 30 minutes not 30 seconds.

    30 seconds are intended (the intended default value is usually described in the description of that setting). During night, the game checks regularly if a chunk is eligible to spawn monsters (or bandits). If monsters were spawned in a chunk, that's the cooldown for that chunk before more monsters will respawn (but they only respawn if all criteria are met, like no other monsters being in proximity etc).

  • Server connection crashed several times...was on for 10 minutes last time with 2 bandits in front of me and lost connection......... could not get back on server without a restart


    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • Thanks for the serverlog! It looks like the server didn't crash at all actually... according to the log, it still ran for quite some time after you've lost connection? In fact the server didn't really get a full connection loss: Steam lost the connection (that's why the k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled message showed up in the log), but ENet (our underlying network framework) didn't even see a connection loss / timeout :thinking:

    The k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled message comes from a Steam callback btw. The server just prints that, but doesn't take any action when this happens (i.e it doesn't kick the client, for example). As far as I can tell it's not the reason for your timeout, instead it is just a result of the timeout.

    After taking a closer look at your second last report, you get a timeout. However, according to the log, you also get a timeout to our server at the same time - but our server is not related to the multiplayer server in any way. A connection to our server is also not required, but since you're getting a timeout to both servers (and also to Steam), this indicates that this is probably not related to the server and instead seems to be a clientside issue. You mentioned somewhere that the server still thought that 1 player is only, while in fact you lost connection, is that correct? This seems to be in line with ENet not detecting a connection loss. It's hard to tell what's causing this, but it could be possibly a firewall or av program which interfers with the connection. Honestly this does not look like to be caused by the game directly :silenced:

    After losing connection to the server, did you keep it running for a few minutes? Maybe it just takes a bit longer until the server detects the timeout (it could take up to 30 seconds or even longer).

    If you take another attempt at this and you get a timeout again, maybe also send a report at the same time (when you get the timeout message). Wait for maybe 1-2 minutes before grabbing the serverlog (to see if it maybe gets a timeout then).

  • I have returned home from work and seen messages from people which were hours old which said the server tries to connect.....reaches 5% in the bottom right and then fails to connect....... the only way for me to get the server back on is to restart it.

    I have also looked at multiplayer servers where there was one player one.... I tried connecting to some of them and the server only got to 10% before timing out.

    I have my antivirus off when gaming so I know the av is not an issue.

    So looking at the live logs the server is still running... just no one can reconnect to it once kicked off.

    This has only started happening since the big update end of August.

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

    Edited once, last by RunAndHideGamer ().

  • reaches 5% in the bottom right and then fails to connect

    5% indicates that no connection can be established at all to the server. Only once the connection goes to 10%, the client is actually connected.

    I have also looked at multiplayer servers where there was one player one.... I tried connecting to some of them and the server only got to 10% before timing out.

    If you see a server with this phenomenon, do you mind sending me the IP, so I could give it a try? Feel free to send it via PM to me here in the forums, or add me in Steam and send it via chat then :)

    So looking at the live logs the server is still running... just no one can reconnect to it once kicked off.

    Does the server still show up in the server list if this happens (and if you double click on it, does the server info box shows up then)?

    This has only started happening since the big update end of August.

    Actually we haven't touched anything network related in the past months :/ This doesn't mean that there is no bug somewhere else which causes connection issues, but at least from the data above (losing connection to the mp server, to Steam and to our servers), I honestly can't think of a bug which could cause something like that (since all 3 types use different connection types) :thinking:

  • After updating the server with the update, let people on the server...... there were about 3 of us on.... then 10 or 15 minutes later we lost the connection needing a restart.

    Error message in the logfile below was [15:02:02] [STEAM] Server connection failed! k_EResultNoConnection (attempt: 1, still retrying: True)

    Logfile attached and the copy of my database attached with changes made to the tables

    - Biomes

    - Biomes_npcs

    - npcs.


    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • The message [STEAM] Server connection failed! k_EResultNoConnection indicates that the server has no connection to Steam. This may happen sporadically if Steam servers aren't reachable (it's a direct result we get from the Steam API), but this is definitely out of our control unfortunately :/

  • Was away at work for 5 hours and came home and logged into Rising World and saw the following screenshot below........ 3 people on the server...great. checked the scrolling log file and it was still scrolling showing the server was still up but there was no mention of the 3 player activity.

    Tried logging into Steam and onto the server and it stopped at 5%.

    We had one plugin on the server.... Area Protection....... have temporarily removed it to test if the plugin is causing the problem..........

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • Another way to find out more about the players on the server is by visiting this link (it works for all servers, it's always "serverip:(port-1)":

    It also shows the ping of the player - if you keep refreshing the browser and the ping actually changes, the player definitely has an active connection to the server.

    If you'd like to know if the server is actually online, you can just visit this link:

    It sends a http request to the server to query the data. If the server does not respond, it's either offline or you have no connection to it.

  • I added the following to the steam forum to let players know what I am doing to try and resolve the connection issues. I also need to check with Yahwoo from Medieval Realms server to see if he is still having to restart his server as well at times.

    "Doing some testing of the server to try and identify why at times people are being disconnected from the server.

    At this stage our server uses just one plugin, so what we are doing is testing the core game without that plugin enabled to see if players remain connected to the core game.

    If a few days pass and no one is disconnected from the server requiring a restart, then we concentrate on testing the plugin and contacting the plugin author as needed..

    The plugin has been backed up so all data in that plugin from the last 10 days will return once the plugin is re-enabled."

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • We have 4 people on our server at the moment and so far no issues...........

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • Our server is still up 7 hours later with people using the server...if the server has not thrown people off in the next 24 hours then this suggests the problem has to do with an Area Protection plugin that we have being using for over 6 months.

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • It appears the Area Protection plugin may have started having issues with the new update end of August.

    Red.... did you have area protection included somewhere in Rising World.... I thought I saw something about it a few years ago?

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

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