Corpses not visible to player if they log out

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  • Hi Red,

    If a player dies, and goes looking for their corpse, after they have logged out and back in again, they can no longer see their corpse to loot it.

    Here is Kalephia standing in front of the corpse (which contained all lost inventory) but couldn't see it to loot. I ended up looting the body and dropping the items on the floor.

    After I logged out, and logged back in again (as a test) I too could no longer see the corpse.

  • yahwho this is always how RW worked with bodies, even on java. The body will remain visible and accessible per 'session' until despawn timer runs out (relogging resets the session). So kalephia couldnt see her body because she reset her session, you were still in same session so could see the body still and loot it.

    Some warning for a player would be advisable, to warn them if they log out they will no longer ba able to see their body if recovering inventory

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Quote

    Hmm I wonder if this can be overwridden... :thinking: I would like bodies to stay where they are until the server itself removes them as opposed to letting a 'session' remove the corpse.

    yahwho the body is still there until server despawn timer runs out. It will just be invisible to all sessions that are created after death (and remain visible to all that stay in session until server despawns it).

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • But you should be able to loot your corpse? I'm not talking grave markers.

    Ich bin nicht gut in Englisch:dizzy:
    Der Tod wird nicht gespeichert, und kann noch nicht nach einem erneuten Einloggen nicht wieder geladen werden.
    Weil die Position nicht gespeichert wird, gibt es auch keine Grabsteine ;)

    The death is not saved, and can not be loaded after a re-Login again.

    Because the Position is not saved, there are no tombstones

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