Suggestion: Change Texture Scale after block placed

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  • There's so many times where you get into a groove building only to realize you've forgotten to change the texture scale and while there's a radial menu option for changing a block texture, there isn't one for changing the texture scale after a block has been placed.

  • Entwerder mit [F8] Tool im Creativ Modus oder über die Console "edit texturescale n".


    Either with the [F8] Tool in the creative mode or by using the Console "edit texturescale n".

  • Entwerder mit [F8] Tool im Creativ Modus oder über die Console "edit texturescale n".


    Either with the [F8] Tool in the creative mode or by using the Console "edit texturescale n".

    All the freaking times I'm in the F8 tools and never noticed the click for more options text that brings up being able to change the texture scale. LOL

    Thank you!!!!!

  • Du musst auf das Link Vorschaubild der Textur, einen Rechtsklick machen, dann erscheint ein Untermenü.;)


    You have to go to the Link preview image of the Texture, right-click, then a sub-menu appears. ;)

    I blame Red51 for making a game so addictive to build in that you end up playing for so long that your brain goes to mush. lol :P

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