Objects you can interact with

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  • Hey, you gave me the idea to ask about objects you can interact with.

    I thought of the following.

    A light switch that must be assigned to a light bulb and can be freely placed and scaled.

    A classic bell (of course also freely placeable and scalable)

    Modern oven to switch on.

    A phone that you can use like a walkie-talkie. You can also give the phone a number and if there are multiple phones in the world you can also call each other.

    I would also love a small robot lawn mower that is relatable.

    A classic globe that you can rotate would also be nice.

    The Iron Maiden was sooooo beautiful too. Will we get her back?

    What do others think?

  • FioO

    Changed the title of the thread from “Objects you can interakt with” to “Objects you can interact with”.
  • Pressure plates and hidden switches for building secret areas / traps.

    Being able to pick the aloe vera and other herbs, dry them on the drying rake and make med kits with it (need an old world version of the medkit)

    The old block bench back as an old world version of the modern workbench so we can unlock all the block textures without using the modern workbench.

  • Maybe i'm wrong ... but it was possible in the java-version to pick flowers and herbs. And use them, for example to make a flower garden. I hope it will come back in the new version: picking flowers and planting them for decorative means and picking herbs to make potions against spider- and snakebites, sickness, etc ...

  • Maybe i'm wrong ... but it was possible in the java-version to pick flowers and herbs. And use them, for example to make a flower garden. I hope it will come back in the new version: picking flowers and planting them for decorative means and picking herbs to make potions against spider- and snakebites, sickness, etc ...

    yeah you could pick the different colored flowers in the java version. I don't remember about the herbs though, but yeah I'd love to me able to make medicines, etc. as well.

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