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  • As suggested by Red, i write a post about this topic.

    My idea is that:

    0) Make non predator animals shy, so they run if you go to near them, and give us the possibility to choose the amount of animals, there are too much right now, it is like a "living wallmart", so you have just to chop some animal leg to eat

    1) Capturing animals

    avoiding the "i give you food you follow me", i'd prefer some traps for smaller animals, roping for medium and big ones.
    If food must be a thing better to use by giving repeatedly to an animal to make him trust you, and then he will follow you

    2) keeping animals

    every animal should have some specific food: chicken grains and seeds, cow hay and straw (not just straw, so adding a hay drier is a good idea), pig whatever and sheeps the same as cows (for carnivore clearly meat)

    3) breeding

    you need both sex of an animal (what a surprire) and keep them feeded and warm maybe, so their condition (maybe a new element in the game) improves and the chance they breed grows up. Possibility to spawn more than 1 cub

    4) killing

    create a cub used specifically to kill domestic animals

    5) Gates and barns to keep animals in and maybe trought to feed them

    just a few ideas, maybe i'll update the post when something good comes in mind

  • Definitely need a lead and a hitching post.

    One thing that would be different from games with breeding in it is if animals (that do in irl) had the possibility of spawning more than one offspring. ie a litter of piglets, etc. or even the rare chance of twins for animals that usually only give birth to one offspring at a time.

    We also need gates, barn doors, etc. that keep animals inside a fenced area, but can also be opened / closed while riding and/or leading an animal.

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