Game uses wrong keyboard

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  • Hello.

    I'm from Belgium. The keyboard we use is a french keyboard: AZERTY. In the Netherlands they use the same keyboard like in England and the USA: QWERTY. And of course the germans use QWERTZ.

    In the old java game my keyboard works fine but in the unity-version not; it seems the unity-version don't recognise my keyboard ? If i use Z then i get W for example. Both in the settings but also in the game. To sail, the game tells me use Q and E, then i have to press A and E. That works. Can this be fixed please. Thanks in advance.

    I think all the french speaking people here have the same problem .. or no french speaking people plays the game ? :|

  • Whelp, that's what you get for being an oddball!! J/K LOL

    If you're playing on a desktop computer (not a laptop) with the game running try unplugging your keyboard and plugging it back in.

    Not sure if that'll actually help anything or not but it's easy enough to try and if I remember correctly Unity had this problem before with one of the updates they did.

  • So the input works correctly (pressing Z on AZERTY still lets you move forward, for example, even though it's bound to W), it's basically only affecting the labels in the settings menu and ingame (help texts etc), is that correct?

  • So the input works correctly (pressing Z on AZERTY still lets you move forward, for example, even though it's bound to W), it's basically only affecting the labels in the settings menu and ingame (help texts etc), is that correct?

    Moving i do with the arrows and that works fine. If i do a reset and use the 'normal' keys for moving it's still fine, only for Q i have to press A, etc.. Other example: I set the letter Z for Zoom. If i want to use the zoom i have to press the letter W on my keyboard. If a press the letter Z on my keyboard, that's W on your keyboard nothing happens.

  • red51

    I did some extra tests :

    If a want the map, a key "M" is defined in the settings but i have to press the "," (comma). Yes, on a QWERTY keyboard you find the key "M" on the same spot where you find the "," on AZERTY keyboard.

    I did the test with several games on Steam. It's only a problem on the unity-version of Rising World. Really strange :wacko:

    Well, if a use my keyboard like a QWERTY keyboard then all is fine; luckily I type with ten fingers blind ^^

  • But just to verify that, it is 'only' about what's being displayed in the settings or the hud, isn't it? So if you want to rebind the map key, for example, and bind it to , (on the AZERTY keyboard), the game shows M, but the map still opens when pressing ,, is that correct?

    The RW Unity version uses a physical keyboard layout that is always based on the QWERTY layout - this way the default key setup works on all keyboards. In the Java version, a new french player (using an AZERTY keyboard) is forced to change the key binding, because movement (for example) is bound to WASD (so while he expects ZQAD to be the movement keys, they wouldn't work). In the Unity version, a new french player doesn't have to change any keybindings, because the game uses the physical QWERTY layout (so ZQAD are automatically the default movement keys for that player).

    However, right now the game relies on the localization to display the correct key based on the keyboard layout. For instance, in the German localization, Y is translated as Z. Once a french localization is available, Q would be ideally translated as A and Z would be translated as W etc - that would avoid the wrong labels in the settings menu automatically ^^

    Only remaining downside is that this still breaks if the game is set to a different language than the expected keyboard layout (e.g. a french player who set the game to English, but uses an AZERTY keyboard). This is indeed an issue... we'll have to find a better solution for that :thinking: Unfortunately this will take a bit longer, because that requires some bigger changes :saint:

  • red51

    First paragraph: yes.

    Second paragraph: understood.

    Third paragraph: for me it's not a french localization but a belgian localization -> i think this is the solution ;)

    Fourth paragraph: we, the Belgian (and French) players will wait patiently. Thanks in advance.

    Unity has to learn not the whole world use QWERTY X(

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