Texture Logic and Number

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  • As i was working on my textures, looked again at the general organisation of the game textures. I would recommend to move all textures of one group into one folder, the actual system is very weird with the numbers. I have to search hours to find the right texture to replace. Some subfolders for woodenblocks,woodenplanks,plaster, etc... would be helpfull.

    Another point i want to pick is the number of textures itself. For many it is great to have such a large number of building materials, but i think that it is too much. For instance we have 4 sandstone textures and we have 8 or so plaster. I even want to say that i miss the consistency of it, we have no "types" of wood or stone. My idea is to remove some textures from the game and wait til they are needed by content. E.g. new Tree, new natural Stone.

  • Another point i want to pick is the number of textures itself. For many it is great to have such a large number of building materials, but i think that it is too much. For instance we have 4 sandstone textures and we have 8 or so plaster. I even want to say that i miss the consistency of it, we have no "types" of wood or stone. My idea is to remove some textures from the game and wait til they are needed by content. E.g. new Tree, new natural Stone.

    I would agree. To make things simple, at least to begin with, I would stick to just 2 or 3 textures for each type. Even with that, in the end there will still be a lot of textures to build with.

    Currently the game feels a bit ahead of itself in some ways. Some balancing could be done. Thanks Nova. I honestly wouldn't bring up something that affects building for fear of having a mob after me lol :P

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I would agree. To make things simple, at least to begin with, I would stick to just 2 or 3 textures for each type. Even with that, in the end there will still be a lot of textures to build with.

    Currently the game feels a bit ahead of itself in some ways. Some balancing could be done. Thanks Nova. I honestly wouldn't bring up something that affects building for fear of having a mob after me lol :P

    Yeah it always critical to recommend to "remove" something, but i like conistency. So we should say we have a woodtype pine for this wood type we have 6 texture or 5 or 4 textures, and then we have other types with the same amount. For stone maybe the same concept or, you need stone and a additional ressource, which builds one type.

    But i think it would be a great addition to atmossphere.

  • This is what I am hoping for. The world filled with different species of plant, tree and animal etc.., each having it's own use or value. So a bunch of tree types with their own set of textures and possibly even building uses. You might not build a house with Yew, but you would most certainly use it for bows. Certain woods are better for structure. Or carving etc.. I hope RW goes in this direction. It provides more reason to explore and travel for resources.

    I only mention this because, IMO, it is part of what you said. Cut a pine tree should give pine tree textures to choose from if building. It does look very different then say, black walnut, or cherry.

    Not sure what you meant about stone.

    you need stone and a additional ressource, which builds one type.

    You mean for polishing the stone or something? To get a different finish on it?

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • @ the stone thing yep right, i think it will change the game is still in pre alpha XD.
    That's a nice idea, if we would say, we need stone and copper to procude ehhhhhh "Copperstone" :D. And now we need a "Copperstonetool", to make something useful out of it. I like this idea, but i thinkg it would be to complex for this game. Maybe we can later create a mod for this haha.

  • It would be interesting to process stone to get the different finishes (textures). Same for wood actually. Stains etc.. So textures would be unlocked via more crafting instead of just being available from the start. So, if you want a rough stone path, then little needs to be done to the stone. But if you want a polished, smooth stone floor, more processing is required etc. But of course that's more work for the devs haha It is getting complex with content and added crafting mechanics.

    Copperstone. I didn't suggest that haha

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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