Rising World : Translations to 34 Languages Underway for 2025

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • With Rising World now being updated on the Steam Store Page, I am preparing for updating Rising World with the 34 languages that I had started on last year.

    Testing will begin tomorrow.

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • The update to the 34 languages I have done for Rising World will continue this week.

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • Can I help with translating into Polish? I am Polish and it is no problem for me to translate it. I have almost finished the translation. Of course I am translating the English file from the last update.

    I am placing the translation file here and you can check it. I think this translation will be useful for the Polish community.

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