Water physics nightmare

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  • After hours of digging down, and sideways, I went up to smelt some ingots. When coming back, I went slightly down (i.e. the water level is at 92, I went to about 76) in search for iron. The ore detector found some and I started digging. Next thing I see is water rushing in. I plugged the hole within seconds, but it was too late. The entire shaft (300 units down) and all connected mines were flooded. This is not realistic. And there is currently no way of easily removing water. I'd like to see a water pump, comparable to the bucket, but with much more water capacity, to cleanup big water messes.

    Also, water should raise to the top when flooding. It should not flood horizontally. A tiny hold cannot flood a 300 meters shaft within seconds.

  • You can use F5 to remove the water (creative mode). This is a game and not a reality and this game is still in early access. However, complaints are always taken into account as far as possible and attempts are made to resolve them.

  • A water pump is a good idea. Clicking on water should remove 1 grid unit height of water in a very wide circumference. Reapply water physics and you got a water removal tool. Not so complicated to implement either. This solution would also remove water hidden behind ground or dirt, so no gushing surprise with hidden water.

  • Perhaps the speed of the flood could slowed, but to my mind this is exactly what should happen! We do need a water pump and lines to send water elsewhere. Until then maybe Red could make the water in the lower caves static water.

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