I have a server and I would like to know how many players have played on my server. Where in the server files can I find a list of players who have played on the server? Are there any records of who played when?

List of players on the server
- English / German
- Acheron
- Thread is Unresolved
server / worlds / yourworldname / Player.db
To open you need a database browser
for example https://sqlitebrowser.org/blog/version-3-13-1-released
Open file ... Tab: Browse data .... Table: player (dropdown menu)
Hello, i updated my permission system. Everyone who already joined once ago didn't get the actual default permission. Instead there's no rank and players were able to build and destroy.
I put it on default then a permission called DEFAULT is activated which isn't even in the folder. But players which never joined, get the new default permission.
I ask here because it matches with my case: Can i just delete the player.db to make everyone a ''new player'' and it will be replaced empty?
you can assign everyone their group with the command "setplayergroup" "Name"
Thank you for your help
Can i just delete the player.db to make everyone a ''new player'' and it will be replaced empty?
Das würde aber auch das Inventar und die Position jeden Spielers betreffen. Wenn Du die Datenbank wie oben beschrieben öffnest, gibt es in der Liste auch einen Reiter "group".
In einer Spalte nebenan kann man die Einträge bearbeiten (Datenbankzelle bearbeiten).
Du klickst in der Spalte den Eintrag an, bearbeitest nebenan im Fenster und klickst dann auf übernehmen.
But that would also affect the inventory and position of each player. If you open the database as described above, there is also a "group" tab in the list.
In a column next to it you can edit the entries (edit database cell). You click on the entry in the column, edit it in the window next to it and then click on apply.
you can assign everyone their group with the command "setplayergroup" "Name"
You can use the command "spg name" as well, or "setofflineplayergroup name" "Sopg name".
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