Adding custom buttons to the furnace radial menu

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  • I'm trying to add a button to the vanilla furnace radial menu but I can't get the uidebugger to show me any paths for any radial menus. The yellow boxes show around the radial menu buttons when I hover over them, but no paths are shown. Using the uidebugger RadialMenuLayer command only shows two paths, neither of which seem relevant.

    I thought I might be able to use the PlayerUIElementClickEvent event and get some info that way, but it doesn't seem to fire for vanilla UI elements.

    Is it actually possible to add custom buttons to radial menus, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

  • This is unfortunately not possible right now... the radial menus are created dynamically (and they're always created from scratch), so unfortunately there is no way to find out if it's a furnace radial menu or any other radial menu. You could use the Player.addUIElement() method and specify the UITarget.RadialMenus target, but this will cause the UI element to become visible for all radial menus (and this still doesn't enable you to modify the radial menu itself)...

    Radial menus don't have a name right now, that's why you can't get the path via uidebugger command... but wew can change this with the next update ;)

    However, probably the best solution for this would be to have a new event whenever the player opens a radial menu.

  • red51 It would be very useful if there were more space for "change texture size" on the first page of the radial menu. Furthermore, there are far too few options for settings in the radial menu. I use texture scale very, very often and also settings like 0.125 or 2.5, 3, 3.5, 5,... in other words, intermediate sizes that are not available on the wheel.

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